[center][h3]Lily [color=00aeef]♥[/color] SOUL of Paitence[/h3] "Good things come to those who [color=00aeef][i]wait[/i][/color]." [hr] Tearful eyes gazed up at her coupled with well-placed sniffles. She repressed a laugh as she smiled kindly down at the twin pair of blue, pleading eyes. The five year-olds were standing side by side in front of Lilia, the twins casting reproachful glances at the buses lined up in front of the school before looking back up at her with pleading eyes once more. At home, the crocodile tears would have made their parents cave in a instant and give the twins whatever they wanted. But Lilia had since grow immune to their puppy dogs eyes, which would quickly turn sour as all she would do would be to stand there until they dropped the act. The two kindergarteners were quite upset that their class hadn't been picked to go to the lake, the wound stinging even more when they found out that Lilia was going to get to go. They had wailed and pitched temper tantrums at home but it was out of their parents hands and thus, the twins were not able to get what they wanted. Which of course made them insufferable but Lilia had a certain ability to muscle through their whining. [color=00aeef]"Rin, Len, don't worry. I'll bring you back a volcano rock, or maybe a pretty flower."[/color] The idea of getting a present made the two quickly forget their woes and instead start calling out what they wanted. Lilia patiently waited for them to run through their lists before she kissed them quickly on the head and scampered over to her bus as the twins followed their teacher back inside. Lilia arrived at her bus well after everyone else had already gotten on and she was lifting up a foot to step aboard when her teacher, Mrs. Williams, placed a gentle hand on the child's shoulder. "Lily dear, I'm afraid this bus is full. But don't worry, there's still room on Mr. Connors bus. Come along." The nine year-old hesitantly followed behind her teacher and very soon she was boarding the bus. She looked around, an uncertain expression on her face. She was by far the youngest and tiniest child there and she felt slightly intimidated by all the other bigger kids. Clutching the skirt of her dress in her small hands, she worried her bottom lip with her teeth as she glanced around for a place she could sit. [/center]