[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808090413/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png[/img] [h1][color=gold]Crimson[/color][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] Cee left her guardian Melody’s side as soon as they entered the school gates flying up a nearby oak tree and briefly scaring the hell out of two squirrels discussing who was the sexiest and the toughest and how quickly they could kick the other’s tiny, furry little rear end. [color=gold]Do you think I’m sexy enough to fight over?[/color] she asked in squirrels in their tongue and then nearly fell from the tree laughing as they freaked out and bailed from the branch risking a 14 foot fall to flee the strange interloper. Melody called her down and went into the school which was her Alma Mater to explain her charge and enter her into the records; at least that was her plan till Cee began fidgeting from boredom because she wasn’t really involved in the mountain of paperwork which she didn’t understand. Mel asked the Secretary if Cee could wait just outside the building then extracted from her charge the pledge that she not wander off but remain within a designated area. Cee argeed once she established that two trees could be climbed and played upon as she waited to see what would be required of her at this…. School? It was a weird word to her “School” because even the human children she’d grown up around didn’t attend one but instead learned from their elders and she didn’t completely understand why she needed “Peers” another strange word for pride of young ones which band together to explore their eventual stations in life. At least that’s what Melody had said in a nutshell as far as Cee could understand