[@LuckyBlackCat] Tommy nodded, pulling Amica's Pokeball free and releasing the Froakie after spinning it into the air. "Sounds like a plan to me. I gotta hit the Pokemart before we start though, so if you want to go set up a gig before we head out, I'll meet you on the outskirts of the village in five or ten minutes." After getting Cici's answer, he heads over to the Pokemart and purchases one more Pokeball. After thanking the clerk, he looks at the pokeball and then runs his other hand along the empty three already on his belt. He wouldn't be leaving Tefan without a full team of six, that was his decision. And if that meant spending a few days here, then so be it. Stepping out of the store after putting his newly purchased ball in it's place on his belt, he waits outside of it for Cici assuming she didn't come with him, listening to the sounds around him. He could hear all kinds of Pokemon out in the distance, but what caught his attention was the sound of a trashcan being knocked over nearby. By the time he had turned towards the sound, Amica had already jumped over and tackled (not to be confused with the move) the perpetrator to the ground. The sounds of Amica and an Eevee reached him and he came over with a smile that was both kind and triumphant. After a moment, the Eevee managed to break free from Amica and turned on her, using a Tackle to knock her back towards Tommy. [color=SteelBlue]"Froakie Fro."[/color] Tommy chuckled and pulled an empty Pokeball free of it's spot. "You're right, don't think he'll be coming without a fight. That's alright though, we could use the practice. Amica, use Cut!" The Froakie leaped into action, dashing forwards and drawing a white blade of energy before it connected with the Eevee's face, who was caught off guard, and knocked it back. It recovered and came at Amica with a Bite attack, it's fangs long and sharp. "Dodge Amica and use Water Gun!" Amica dodges the attack by jumping up into the air and blasts the Eevee with a high pressure stream of water. "That aught to do it!" The attack had knocked the Eevee against the wall behind it and gave the aspiring Trainer time to throw the Pokeball, which popped open after impact and sucked up the Evolution pokemon in a burst of white light. The pokeball wiggled for several seconds before it finally pinged to indicate they had succeeded in their endeavor. Whooping a victory shout and high fiving Amica, he retrieves the Eevee's pokeball and spins it in his hand. "Add another to the team. Come on out, Beta!" He released the Eevee and it immediately looked around before facing him, an annoyed look on his face. [color=SaddleBrown]"Eevee Eev Ee!"[/color] Amica reacted before Tommy could and berated the new member of the team. [color=SteelBlue]"Fro Froakie kie! Froak Froakie."[/color] Beta appraised Tommy one more time, a look of cautious curiousity in it's eyes, before it nodded in consent and took up a spot next to the trumpet player. "Welcome to the team Beta." Tommy smiled at the Eevee and kneeled down, scratching behind his ears, which he seemed to like a lot. [hr] [hider=Notes] Tommy: TP: 43+1-5=39 CP: 30+1=31 Pokemon: [color=SteelBlue]Amica-level 7[/color] [color=DarkGreen]Epsilon-level 5[/color] [color=SaddleBrown]Beta- Level 1[/color] Inventory: 3/10 Poke Ball x3 [/hider]