[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/permalink/161203/27a034e8ea53c1b04481b19ad78c9a9c.png[/img][/center] [center][img]http://i68.tinypic.com/66dpxw.jpg[/img][/center] [center][b][color=DC143C]Location:[/color][/b] Wyndham Estate near Hyde Park --> Brunswick Chapel of Ease to St. Maryle Bone [/center][hr][hr] Fyror was pleased when Jeanette so gratefully accepted his help boarding the coach, and he easily returned her smile with one of his own. Apparently she had a specific church in mind that she wanted to inform about the Cargast attack in Hyde Park: [i]Brunswick Chapel of Ease to St. Maryle Bone[/i]. He entered the hackney coach once she was safely inside. He took the seat across from her as the coach door was shut. They were soon on their way to the nearby church. His gaze was soft as he looked at Jeanette, and he listened attentively to what she had to say. [color=DC143C]“Thank you for understanding. With the sudden presence of the Soulless in this city, I am truthfully afraid to leave them for too long. My brother is a skilled solider, but fighting humans and fighting the Soulless are on two entirely different spectrums. Nevertheless, I do not regret staying by your side and ensuring your safety,”[/color] he replied. Truthfully, he found that he quite enjoyed her company. To have someone who viewed and treated him as an equal rather than inferior was refreshing to say the least. He looked out the coach window for a moment, his gaze taking in the passing terrain.