Leon had been one of the first to arrive at the sight for exams. He had waited about an hour before signing up though, which was around the same time it actually began, because he didn't want to have to go on super early. His father was coming to watch the exams, but Leon had no idea when. Knowing his father though it would either be very late or he wouldn't show up at all. Leon would never admit this to anyone except for his mother, but practically everything he did was to get recognition from his father which he has never gotten. Leon watched as a girl by the name of Misako Shiba did her exam. She was very good. Leon felt certain that she would be placed very high on the score. That's why he had to do better. So far she was really the only one who stood out among the exam takers. Just as he was mulling of his plan of action a tester called out his name. Leon went to the ready platform in front of the obstacle course. Before they alerted him to start he did a quick scan to see if he could notice his father in the crowd, but he didn't see him. The young man frowned in slight anger at the fact that his father wasn't here, and he decided to channel that anger into succeeding. As soon as he started he bolted towards the course. He wasn't particularly fast due to his mass, but he was in full control of the movement of his body. He combined his speed with the momentum that his weight created from moving to slip in and around the obstacles. Up, around, under, or through he did it with the finesse of a warrior. He didn't do as well at the swimming portion as he would have hoped. He was never one for the water. It was to soothing for him so he barely trained in swimming. At the evasion portion he easily avoided the logs, but messed up with a few of the shooting objects getting nicked twice. To make up for it he riskily went to catch the final object for style points. He timed it just as the object was passing his body and caught it before running to the combat area and tossing it to the ground. Leon then stood head to head with another exam taker. Leon did a quick analysis of the guy and noticed he was leaning to much on his front foot. The young man made a combat strategy with that as his center focus and with the combination of his training and strength easily took the other guy down no problem. Once done Leon looked at his time. He was just a few seconds short of being faster than the Misako girl. She had beat him in both the evasion and swimming portions. The running parts were nearly the same time so Leon had to hope that the swiftness in which he beat his opponent and the small showing off would get him more points than her.[hr] Ollie was jolted awake by his friend, Hiro. The young man slowly rose his head saying, "Well, when you have a little brother crying at all times of the night it can be hard to get some sleep. At least I'm in the basement." Ollie stretched big and yawned hard. It wasn't his brother's fault at all that he didn't get much sleep. He had stayed up late last night reading up on the past Justice rangers and looking into, as much as he could, the people who were taking the exams this year. If there was one thing that could keep Ollie's attention besides music it most certainly would have to be the rangers. He believed in everything they stood for. Truth, protection of the weak, and [b]Justice[/b]([sub]:brow[/sub]) were what they fought for. Ollie wishes he could stand side-by-side with them, but he always felt awkward around his friend whenever he would mention something about the rangers. "I wonder if teach is gonna let us watch the exams. It's still an interesting event no matter how you look at it."