[I]Oh god. This took longer than I planned.[/i] [u]Capt. Quincy Talcner[/u] Captain Quincy Talcner found himself sitting at the helm of his newly claimed ship, scrolling through the data in front of him. He only had a few amount of pilots and armaments for this mission, so he had better get himself familiar with them and the machines they'd be using. Four young pilots, as young as 16 up to 21. He felt like an old man. "Dumuzi..." Ex-Air Force, looked like she talked her way onto his crew, piloting a modified Guncannon. Didn't look to be a bad set-up, with a much better targeting system than the original. Looked like this one would be taking shots from a bit of a distance. With that sensor, he'd most likely be relying on her for information should the battle move away from the [i]Troy Horse[/i]'s view. Next up was Casablancas. Younger than Dumuzi, she was a bit more of a quiet type, it seemed. There wasn't too much on her file besides her service record, but the young woman's abilities in the Core Block Fighter spoke for themselves. Luna was the youngest pilot- no, youngest person entirely on the ship. Unlike Cairo's file, there was actually borderline no information on her file, other than the word "Jaburo," which explained what he was told planetside about having a "special" member on his team. That appeared to extend to her equipment as well- a Gundam. Talcner had never expected that this was going to be what his ship carried. The thought was terrifying, actually. Last was the oldest pilot onboard, Staten. For some reason, the name sounded familiar, but the captain couldn't place it. Seemed to be rather talkative, and somewhat headstrong; this was something constantly popping up in the file. Reading over her service report, it came to him- she was also a part of the the defense and retaking of North America. He must have seen her name among the reports he was giving after he was pulled. She was also recently injured, so- "Sir! Enemy mobile suits inbound!" One of his crewmen called out, pointing out into space. Quincy sighed as he let his head fall, pinching between his eyes as he squinted. "Looks like nothing can start easily," he muttered, looking up at his crew. "Alright people, what's going on out there?" As reports filled in from his bridge crew, the man, sifted through them in his head, picking apart the information he was given. There looked to be five or six mobile suits incoming, based on the light coming from the thrusters. "Waters, pull up a video feed of those suits, I want to know what we're up against. And does anyone see their home base?" After varying degrees of the word "no," the young captain spoke into the intercom as he flipped the emergency lights on. "Crew of the [i]Troy Horse[/i]! We have enemy mobile suits incoming, all non-essential personnel report to safe areas of the ship. Pilots, head to the hangar. I've made sure your machines are all read to be launched. I'll be in contact with you once you've launched."