[hider=My Hider] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/85/fa/17/85fa178f30d889d2f5910ccb558c7853.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Sylvia Farlocke Age: 24 Race: Human Appearance: Sylvia is usually mistaken for some passing bystander, and that’s just fine. It helps her in her line of work. She likes to act as a cheerful, bubbly girl who couldn’t possibly do any wrong… until her target ends up with a dagger in their back. Equipment: Sylvia doesn’t necessarily like to use armor, since she believes it make her conspicuous to her targets. However, she realizes that she is in a different world now, with dangerous, unknown creatures lurking behind the portals. For added protection, she bought herself a chainmail tunic she now wears under her outer garments. She changes up her clothes and disguises based on what she feels is needed most for the mission. Her weapons consist of a meticulously sharpened dagger, honed to a needle-sharp point, capable at attacking vulnerable areas. Personality: Sylvia’s act as a cheerful individual is really only a half-act. It is true that she is friendly to others, but years of killing has negated her sense of care for human life, and even if she were to make a few friends, she would harbor no sadness if they died. Still, she respects people’s usefulness and utility, knowing that even she would need allies. History: Sylvia grew up in a crime-ridden city by the name of Karadun, to the far south. At the age of eleven she had already marked up her first kill: An orphan boy who had stolen her meal. She had done it quickly and mercilessly, like it was a natural reflex. She was never caught. From then on several gangs and guilds within Karadun requested her services, up until she killed the wrong person and was forced to flee, ending up in a strange city, where magic was prominent and adventurers were common. Despite her dangerous upbringing, she studied the arcane arts on her spare time, which was few and far between. An adventurer at heart, she found that she had a chance at starting over, in this city of rifts and alternate worlds. Guild Ranking: Wood Misc: Sylvia has developed the use of certain spells over the years, like masking the sound of her footsteps or blending into her surroundings. She can even transform herself into certain inanimate objects, albeit for a few seconds. Goals: Sylvia knows that she will die someday, most likely in a botched assassination or at the hands of some monster deep within the rifts. Before this happens, she wants to see and travel to as many other worlds as possible.