[hider=My Hider] [img]https://c1.staticflickr.com/9/8086/29873235361_352566bedd_o.png[/img] [/hider] Name: Ayse Temer Age: 23 Race: Human Appearance: Ayse's appearance meets what one would expect from a Salamander of the Endless Ones; a red, scaled, long coat over a white chiton. Her gray eyes only reinforce this image as they smolder like coals when the flames come to her call. Equipment: Scarlet coat, clerical tunic, sandals, engagement ring, charred staff, dagger, traveler's pack, and a planar compass. Personality: Ayse is warm, inviting, and carries herself with an easy and unhurried manner. She loves getting to meet new people and hearing their stories as much as she enjoys telling some of her own. She's willing to give almost anyone the benefit of the doubt provided that they treat her the same. It would be wrong to assume this is naivete. Her anger can burn just as hot as the flames she commands. History: A lifelong native of Apothicus, Ayse was promised to the Endless Ones. This wasn't necessarily a bad thing. Like many other families who lived on the edge of poverty, having a child promised to the church meant one less mouth to feed and a mark of prestige. It left Ayse without any support save for the cold doctrine of the church, unfortunately. She withdrew into herself, isolated as she was, and would have ended up as nothing more than a lowly scribe or clerk if not for a particular misadventure. Vernon Rouse, a former friend of her mentor Bern Green, sought to gain access to the church's financial records through less than official means. Vernon wanted the documents destroyed so he could begin spreading rumors about misappropriated funds by the church's senior members. Without the documents they wouldn't be able to prove he was lying and he could extort them for money as he wished. The lack of papers would only make them look more guilty, like they were trying to cover it up. He and some of his associates kidnapped Ayse to force Green to hand over the documents and fled to their hideout in the sewers. Everything had gone spectacularly except for the chance intervention of a tribe of sewer goblins. The fighting was vicious and Vernon's gang was forced to flee, leaving Ayse behind. As all this was happening Bern, unwilling to risk his position within the church for a simple neophyte, informed his superiors of Vernon's desire for the records and Ayse's abduction. He would be safe no matter what happened and from his perspective finding Ayse was the problem of the city's guards now. Hoquin, a meln boy who was a fellow captive who tried to intervene when he'd heard the whole plot, got left behind with Ayse. Together they braved the tunnels, warrens, pipes in an attempt to return home. Ayse learned much from Hoquin about navigating the under-city and found a solid core of resilience she never knew she had. She discovered her aspect of fire as well and used her new control over flame to protect them in their trek. Upon their return to the city proper they filled in the gaps in Vernon's plot, although the man still managed to slip through the fingers of justice and remains at large today. Bern, craven as his attitude was, maintained his position as an instructor. Ayse was admitted into the Order of the Salamander and was chosen help heal and purify travelers from the Infinity Bridge. Hoquin was taken in by the Adventures Guild and stayed in touch with her after the ordeal. Their friendship eventually blossomed into a love that resulted in Hoquin's proposal. Promising to marry her once his latest guild run finished, Hoquin left, but never came back. His soul never returned to the blood crystal and his gear never showed up at the Magi Emporium. He's still out there, somewhere, and Ayse refuses to believe that he would just take off and leave her. Now she travels out into the unknown hoping to find him again. Guild Ranking: Wood Misc: Aspect- A reflection of the true self connected to the greater whole of reality. Aspects are concepts made manifest and allow their users to tap into their innate magic. Ayse's magic- Her flame is that of the purifier. She can burn away disease, wounds, and the wretched alike. It is a small flame to be sure, but fire readily grows when given the proper fuel. Meln- [hider=My Hider] [img]http://conceptartworld.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/01/Andrew_Baker_Concept_Art_Character_the_Guard.jpg[/img] [/hider] Tall and lithe humanoids that were trapped on this world after being left behind by a rift. They are nimble, quick runners, and good climbers, traits that make them ideal scouts for surveying new terrain. The rediscovery of their old home and people, lost among the infinity, has been the goal of many meln. It occupies a mythical place in their history, not unlike Avalon or Eden. Planar compass- Unlike normal compasses, which align according to magnetism, a planar compasses point towards a particular person, place, or thing. To activate it, the bearer must procure something intimately related to the thing they are looking for and insert that item into the compass. For Ayse it was a shaving of Hoquin's blood crystal. Goals: To find Hoquin and beginning their life together. She travels in the hope that in some rift her compass will react and lead her to her love.