[@Aewin][@Pudding][@Melo][@Ailyn Evensen][@Snagglepuss89][@tsukune][@Shadow007][@Eidolen][@MayLien][@Heap241] Status update: [list][*] As was previously mentioned in the Discord channel, there's a good possibility that once we get our final player characters registered I'll be registering another additional player character myself or two just to make the roster feel a bit more 'complete', but it all sort of depends on how many people we get in during this final stretch before the next phase starts.[/list] [list][*] This was also mentioned on the Discord channel, but I'm just giving anyone who missed it a heads up. As soon as we get one more applicant (there's at least two more incoming to the best of my knowledge, with another two possible ones that are sort of up in the air), I'll be making an announcement on RPGuild's status bar that there'll be one week until the role-play changes from 'Apply' to 'Full'.[/list] [list][*] Due to the fact that the next phase is approaching us soon, I'd like everyone to give me a rough estimate of what time (IC) their characters will ideally arrive at the escort point, so we can basically formulate a posting order that makes sense in context. Those not taking the escort should also make a point about this, since they'll be required to post at the estate before the escort players arrive (assuming they get there first, otherwise they would post after them). [b]Everyone replying to this will make the incoming phase flow together a lot smoother.[/b][/list]