[b]Yemi Dumuzi[/b] "Aye aye." Yemi floated into the open cockpit of her Guncannon, twisting her body around so that she would fit properly inside the machine. The zero-g environment wasn't really that hard to get used to for someone who had spent some time living in the colonies, and not even all those years planetside could get rid of her familiarity. It was just like riding a horse; you'd never forget how to do it. So it was with ease that she settled into the seat, locking in the buckles to the harness while quietly humming a tune. Her hands reached out for the switches, playing with after another to test out the functions of her customised mobile suit. All systems were green. The reactor was humming to life with no problem. No compatibility issues with the non-standard Guncannon parts. A smile found its way to her face. That was good. Even if she'd run a number of tests already, it was better to be safe than sorry, especially before a sortie. Besides, most of those tests had been held back on Earth. She breathed in. Engineers darted out of her way as the Guncannon Custom roared to life. The prototype artillery suit, in its crimson glory, was a heavy, powerful machine. Even when under the effects of zero gravity, the way it moved ... the way it [i]lumbered[/i] through the bay ... there was no mistaking the [i]weight[/i] it appeared to possess. "If the El-Tee's taking Catapult One, I'll be on standby at Two."