[@berd] Couple of important facts to wrap up some misconceptions, as they are either not covered or not clear in my initial writings 1: The Infinity Bridge is at the heart of a tower guarded by 200 trained knights, Including a relatively young powerhouse named Arlen Fisher. The Infinity stone is kept under close watch in the inner sanctum of the tower, so accessing it to take rifts at your leisure is literally impossible. Anybody who does shady deals does them the old fashion way; Dark alleyways and secret bases in the city proper. 2: Your aspect I will allow but only as a means to an end. As for your Flames? I allow you the part of the Purifier. Burn away disease, corruption, and even your enemies. But you are all above average starting adventurers so your power / control should reflect that, for now at least. 3: The church does not guide the rift. It is a place of healing first and foremost. You're on the right path, as they would believe that the inner fire of the soul is stored in the Jewels they craft to revive the fallen. To reignite the flames of the soul. Etc etc. There are apostles who offer healing and immediate care for those exiting rifts, as well as the obvious use of the soul stones to reanimate the fallen, but guides they are not. My first IC post would elaborate that only those high ranking members, royalty in honors all, of the Iron Hands are given access to study the Infinity Bridge much less use it. Every single rift is opened and closed through a singular doorway. Rifts that open to alternate timelines, dungeons, scenarios, etc, are not infinite ground to tread upon. Your estranged husband has been sucked through an Anomaly, an event within a rift itself. Extremely rare, these disasters often shatter the dimensional anchor the party uses to return the way they had come (Returning to the doorway). If your husband has gone missing and cannot return, he has been displaced through space and time to somewhere on the material world. Not a rift generated world. He is absolutely still alive, but he might not [i]exist[/i] yet, which would be why your compass has not found him yet. But in the event that you come across a rift he traveled through, it would likely shine a beacon unto a tear in the fabric of the rifts reality for a few moments. I intend to fully work to make that part of the main campaign! I like your character and I want it to be unique, but limitations for such uniqueness are inevitable.