Heidi was noticing the man she saw enter the room walk in her direction. She couldn't let herself stare at him, both because if he wasn't the culprit, she might miss a telltale sign from somebody else, and if he was, he'd know she was onto him. When he was about ten feet away, he turned to her, and she immediately saw in his eyes that he was about to make a move. Her hand shot towards her gauntlet to switch it on, but it was too late. He covered the distance very quickly. What?!! He must have secondary mutations, or is otherwise able to apply his power to essentially give himself new powers. Who knew what else he could do? Could he absorb energy? Heidi decided she wouldn't fire on him until she found out and answer to that question, lest she make him stronger. Then she felt it. The searing pain in her shoulder where his hand was. She cried out, causing anybody not yet evacuated to look in their direction. She tried to make a move, to think, but the pain was magnified in her brain. All she could think about was fight or flight. She tried to grab at him, but before she could, he placed his hand to her chest, and she was suddenly propelled through the window. As soon as she landed, she opened her eyes. The pain was beginning to subside, and her head beginning to clear. She immediately noticed that she was no longer feeling the effects if the radiation. That was a plus, at least, though the pain in her shoulder was still incredible. She replayed the scene in her memory, and realised he must have removed her radiation sickness. So he wasn't a total scumbag, but most mutants aren't. Most mutant criminals have some moral code, because most of them believe they're right, or justified, or above the laws of man. Her memory also picked up that Shawn had been trying to talk to her through the Comms during that ordeal. She switched them on, "Shawn. He can do more than just emit radiation. He can move really fast, and remove radiation, and I'm not even sure what else. Be careful. He might be able to absorb energy. Maybe even your electricity and my gauntlet!" Heidi wasn't thinking very straight right now, plus she didn't have enough time to verbally relay a battle plan. Besides, she couldn't even make one without knowing what this dangerous man could do, and she didn't want to get anybody killed. She really wanted to retreat to the ship right now, but she had to stay and watch. She might yet be able to help. She turned her gauntlet on, and flicked all of the switches in preparation.