A new Mission has opened up in Adriana City! [hider=Lost Heiress] [center][h2]Lost Heiress[/h2] [URL=http://s210.photobucket.com/user/dellie1896/media/Girls/9509582c.jpg.html][IMG]http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/dellie1896/Girls/9509582c.jpg[/IMG][/url][/center] The heiress of Azure Corp has gone missing and is lost, lastly scene in Central City. It is in great interest that she is found and returned to the Azure Corp company with great haste for her own health. Tora Azure's body [u]cannot[/u] handle this Pokemon World. Force may be required in order to return her back home, her mind is not her own when not properly treated. Avoid damaging the heiress at all costs. Anyone who finds and returns Tora Azure unharmed will earn Azure Corp's respect and a handsome reward. - Azure Corp Requirements: Any rank, but must have at least three Pokemon. Max number of people: 3 Rewards: 100 TP + 2 Pokeballs + 2 Rare Candies per person Notes: (Not mentioned on the Mission Board) [list][*]In order to complete this, you must battle and defeat Tora (all party Pokemon) to forcibly return her to Azure Corp. [*]The Poster will not be happy if Tora returns injured. The Reward halfing in price if she is hurt. Using Pokemon to put her to sleep or paralyze her is alright however. [*]If your character starts the mission and changes their mind in turning her in, you fail the mission.[/list][/hider]