As Felix neared the collection of small humanoids, it became clear that the little creatures weren't Dwarves at all. They were too thin, hunched over, and shared a variety of pale, earthen skin shades. Gremlins? Imps? What were they? Felix had been told tales of some creatures that his Dwarven comrades had faced in their travels, but actually seeing anything in the expanse of the continent was certainly different from [i]hearing[/i] about them. One of the small creatures spun towards Felix, cradling was looked to be a small glob of pulverized meat between its clawed little hands. Blood was smeared across its bony face, but it didn't seem too aggressive. Rather than attacking, or even bearing its teeth at Felix, it turned its head and shrieked, alerting its nearby brethren, and forcing them all to run into the nearest hill-like encampment. They retreated underground, leaving whatever they'd been holding behind. Unfortunately, the entire landscape surrounding their little burrow had been littered with not only indiscernible meat, but [i]mangled Dwarven corpses.[/i] This was not a friendly place. [hr] [center][h1]~ End Of Chapter 2~[/h1][/center]