After setting out the cookies for their temporary guest, she had went to help her grandmother finish up with the cookie overload she had baked. She still wondered if airport security would even allow this many cookies to pass through, much less if they’d stay in one piece after a flight. She heard the repeat of his earlier question as she finished packing the last of the cooled cookies into the sealed container, and her attention went back to the escort the second she shut the lid to the tupperware. “Oh, yeah. Thanks. The big bag there” she pointed to the big bag set at the entrance to the kitchen, “is most of my stuff, and I just have a carry on purse at the door”. It was a cute little purse with a few logic puzzle books, physical wood puzzles, and a small, handheld video game console in it. With very, /very/ not scary video games, lest she have nightmares over it. Just some simple stuff to pass the time on a flight so she didn’t pass out and cause a potential ruckus on accident. She spoke up again when she realized she was forgetting the most important thing to pack. “Oh, and these cookies. We need to somehow smuggle them through the airport if they try to stop us”. She picked up the now sealed container of cookies upon cookies upon too many cookies and put it on the table. “Thanks again, man”. She should at least try to get his name at some point, she thought. Or just call him escort dude the entire duration of the trip. If the latter irritated him, she’d enjoy sticking with it. The pressing issue of luggages taken care of, she went to tackle the more emotionally draining one; saying goodbye. She had hoped to prepare a little goodbye spheal mentally, on how she’d miss her a lot and come back one day as a proud mutant with control of her powers and could help her bake cookies again and do everything a normal teen was supposed to do. But alas, she had nothing. No emotionally touching planned farewell speech to the person she loved the most. Her grandmother took the moment of silence to speak instead, probably knowing that Bonny had no idea as of how to say goodbye. “I’m proud of you, sweetie. You’re going to make so many new friends and learn so many new things.” She smiled a smile that Bonny couldn’t help but return. The thoughts of friends and a new school she could feel safer in helped to ease the sting, though only a little. “Yeah, I’ll try my best.” she paused for a second, the twitch of a smile fading from her face. “I’m… gonna miss you, grandma”. Her grandmother didn’t allow the smile to wane from her face, and instead pulled her grandchild into a hug. “Oh sweetie, come here. I’m going to miss you too. But you’ll have so much fun at the Institute, and meet new people and have adventures and control your powers far better. You can call me whenever you’d like, okay?”. Bonny gave a shaky nod in response, returning the bug before resting her head on her grandmothers shoulder and starting to cry. She tried to be strong, she really did. She was trying to think of all the good; controlling her powers, making new friends, but all she could think about was not being able to see her grandmother for a long time. She tightened her hug a little bit, tears now running down her face. The reality of the situation was hitting her full force. She wouldn’t be able to give her a hug again for a long time, or wake up to eggs and toast and spend a morning chatting before going to school. She wouldn’t be able to say goodnight, or spent the whole Saturday baking cookies for the many old friends her grandmother had. She didn’t want to let go. She didn’t want to leave her grandmother. She didn’t want to go away from home. Her grandmother pat her back a few times and let go of her, encouraging Bonny to do the same. Her expression shifted to concern when she saw Bonny crying, and she quickly went and grabbed a tissue from the counter before dabbing her eyes. “No no sweetie, please don’t cry. I’m not going to be gone forever. You can come see me whenever you can and you can phone me whenever you’d like”. She smiled, allowing Bonny to settle her crying down. “I’ll… I’ll call right when I get there, okay?” she said, sniffling and wiping the rest of her tears away on her sleeve. Her grandmother nodded before grabbing some more tissues and handing them to Bonny. With a word of thanks, she wiped down her tears and runny nose the best she could, tossed the tissues in the garbage, and gave her grandmother one final, quick hug and kiss to the cheek. “Bye bye, Grandma” She said, trying hard not to break back into tears again. Her grandma returned the kiss on the cheek before giving her a pat on the head. “Goodbye, sweetie. Take care, okay?” Bonny nodded, offering one last, shaky smile and taking a deep breath. She’d best leave as soon as possible, or else she wouldn’t want to go at all and most likely start crying again. She wondered if the escort had finished with the bags and whatnot as she said farewell. Hopefully so.