[b]Harry Creed - Atlanta, Georgia - Second Chances[/b] The past few days hadn't been the best for Harry. The situation had continued to escalate, to the point the President had spoke last night about the incident at the hospital in Atlanta. It was clear to most of the country that people with superhuman abilities existed or that where was a high possibility they did. There was nothing else that could possibly explain what happened yesterday besides perhaps some highly advanced experimental technology, and even then with everything else on the news that was highly unlikely. "Fuck.."Harry was looking over all the information he had, several Coalition agents including Zach Colch had died. The superhuman Jace Williams was working with the CIA, and they'd retrieved the information. He'd ordered the assassination of Cori, and they'd failed thanks to his interference. The Coalition had decided it was high time they started kicking things into high gear, the whole world was on the verge of knowing about them, and soon they'd be going at it with the CIA. His phone ringing again and he answered." Hello...listen." "No you listen here Agent Creed, so far you haven't been doing the best needless to say the situation isn't going well. We can't allow things to get any further with the "Empowered" situation" His superiors were upset that things had gotten so far that the media was starting to label these people. "Were issuing a Code Red, we're bringing the rest of our re-engineered Vamon tech back into circulation, we're going to need to be a step above the competition especially now that they know we exist." "Your kidding me after what we did giving people around the world powers, your bringing that fucking alien tech back? We need to round up the Empowered, eliminate the unstable ones, and get back to building the army..we have no idea about the true extent about what half that tech can do we." "Then we need to know! Your the one who wanted to rely on superhuman soldiers rather then this. This technology is gonna give us the edge, the CIA is one thing, soon what if we have to compete with Chinese Governments, Russian Governments, we start using the tech what we know, we learn more, and we use what we don't know any more, also that one machine..we're putting together our operation in Miami, Experiment G is going back online we need that weapon more then ever." "Not Experiment G.." Harry's voice sounded grave with distraught." You know what even the Vamons said about that, listen." "No you listen here, you don't want any alien tech then fine you risk dealing with super humans, and the entire U.S Government on your own, the rest of the organization is going to stay around, Experiment G won't be up and running for about a month or two, you know damn well I do't want that, but it's the only other super weapon we have besides the Gene Accelerator..and after the Storm we can't use if we want, if you can deal with this Empowered situation in that time line maybe we can fix this, but right now the Vamons are the least of our problems, there won't be an earth to defend if things keep going like they are now you have your mission." The conversation was dead, and Harry sighed things were bad. Giving people powers was one thing, but if they completed Experiment G, hell the Vamons who'd taken the technology were branded traitors by their own species. The violent imperialistic alien savages themselves didn't want that weapon to be used, and now The coalition wanted to handle it. He'd put a stop to that, but something had to be done about the Empowered. Which lead him to his current location outside of Sera's apartment he sighed. He knew who she was, an ex CIA agent coerced to come work for them for one final mission but he had some information about her he thought he could use to his advantage. He knocked on the door and awaited her answer something had to happen, he had to fix this before things got worst, before Experiment G became a reality.