The knight was being surrounded by the group she was attempting to leave Hell with, and it was a bit disconcerting with these faces looking at her as her true identity was revealed and it was a bit late to take back what she had did, but she had to or she would've definitely suffocated from the smoke in the helmet. Her face was still rather dusty, but she wiped her forehead with her arm while she spoke to those who had gathered around. [color=pink]"M-my name is Jennifer Light... if that helps to clear this up."[/color] After speaking, she stood up from the ground and bent over to pick her helmet up. Well... bent was a bit of a fabrication. She instead crouched down to get the helmet, still facing Deprave. She didn't exactly trust him with how he had given her a bit of a perverse leer a few moments ago. With that aside, Jen held her helmet with her mace sheathed and waited for the rest of the Hell-scapers to arrive, including their ride to the next mission.