[@Belle] Zsadist bared his teeth at the other man. He heard Rhage on the other end of the phone trying get his attention. But the woman's tears drowned out his brother's voice. He was impressed that the man was able to keep his head together. Not many could have spoke, much less make threats, when when he had them off the ground. It meant that the moron probably really cared about the female. Unfortunately that didn't excuse his stupidity. Atleast not as far as Zsadist is concerned. [color=39b54a]"I don't know if you are dumb or deaf. I am not going to hurt the female. I would give you my word as a man of value but you and I both know I have no value. But I will swear that your friend will be safe until it's safe to let her return to her life. Whether or not she still calls an inconsiderate sleazebag friend is but to her. I try not to judge other people's choices." [/color]Zsadist growled. He hadn't hurt the man and wasn't planning on doing so unless the man did something stupid.