[center][h1][b][color=gold]Lex[/color][/b][/h1][/center] [hr][hr] [Center][i]Interacting with: [@Poohead189] and [@Kyrisse][/i][/center] [hr][hr] [i]I have to admit that this was fun at first, but now this guy is really trying to actively get away from me.[/i] Lex thought as he tried to follow Jae around. He had been so determined to catch the man on fire... [i]Aw fuck it![/i] Lex just let his dust form slow to a halt. To his surprise, he remained afloat. Just the thought of lifting so high off the ground astonished Lex.[I] I guess that's another thing to note about these powers... Dust doesn't do this normally... actually dust doesn't do anything I make it do nowadays... [/i] After a moment of pondering, Lex made his dust form reform in the vicinity of Ben, Jae, and Audrianna. He peered over to see Jae face down and naked on the ground. He whipped his head to Ben with a quickness before looking down at himself. [i]Clothes??!?!? They're here![/i] "Uh... you can tell your friends that I'm fine. Um gonna go now." Lex said as he walked away while containing his excitement. It was beginning to become dark, but Lex a lot more confident with his ability than he has ever been. Seeing that his powers were better for use outdoors he figured he could truly challenge himself. One night out... after dinner that is. Lex B-lined to the inside of the bunker and to the cafeteria. [hr][@King Tai][@poohead189][@Aeternum][@RumikoOhara][@Spinosaurus][@Kyrisse][@Wick][@alexfangtalon][@December][@Venku]