[hider][img]http://i.imgur.com/uhllEWL.jpg[/img][/hider] Name: Gormarr of clan Ironfrost Age: 24 Race: Orc Appearance: All over his body he has ritualistic tattoos and large scare over his chest he received when he was younger. Equipment: Gormarr equipment consist of simple iron and leather armor. A two-handed iron battle axe along with two swords for back up weapons. Personality: Gormarr is a brash, hard-head, and stubborn orc. With a short temper he is quick to resort to violence to solve his problem. Gormarr is a devout follower of orc tradition as well as Gorrmarok the god orcs and honorable combat. Because of this Gormarr has a strong sense of honor that guide his actions. He tends to be gregarious often proudly boosting of his feats and achievements. History: Hailing from the harsh northern wastelands Gormarr was born into the Ironfrost clan. Under the guidance of his parents he learns the ways of his clan. At his 13th birthday he was sent out with the young orcs of the clan to kill a creature from the wastes alone. Then bring back a trophy from there hunt to the clan’s shaman. While tracking a mammoth he was ambushed by a Ankhrav after an intense battle the wounded Gormarr dragged the Ankhrav corps to the shaman. He then spent the next couple of years honing his skill he heard rumors of the Infinity Bridge and the glory he could win inside the rifts. Gathering some supplies he traveled south. After a long journey to the town were the Infinity Bridge was Gormarr arriver. He made sure joined the adventures guild. Guild Ranking: Wood Misc: In addition to his orcish strength and endurance he along with the orcs of his clan have a strong resistance to the cold. But have a weakness to heat and fire. Goals: Gormarr desires to gain glory and honor so he can forge himself a mighty legend.