[@Ptolemy] I would like to make some notes, if you are willing to hear them out. 1: First, I would like to speak upon the Topic of Sylvan nature. While they are Elementals, they are often more Fey-like, and referred to as Spirits and are lesser than Primordial Elementals(I.e. Monsterous looking versions, comprised of the elemental in a raw form), as it goes being Half-Sylph still has realistic limitations. While people can change, and mature, she cannot just out-right make her DNA and body over-right her humanity, so physically she would suffer some lesser Sylph power levels. 2: Secondly, the Equipment: As Wood ranking goes, it shows you are new to the Guild(or faction of choosing) and that you are fresh to the life of adventuring through the Infinity Bridge. Your number of items is a decent size for a newbie, as well as you boast an Enchanted item with an unexplained Enchantment. Perhaps lowering the number of items, and elaborating on the Enchantment, as to prevent it from being a "Be All/End All" item, would be very nice. 3: Also, I loved the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure Reference.