Haruki and Rin completed their exams, but decided to stay and watch others participate. They watched a pair of twin attempt the trial at the same time. He was confused, that the academy would allow them to fight each other rather than assign a tester. He watched them spar and was surprised at how serious they took it. It was like watching a fight to the death. “If they were willing to do that to each other, blood relatives, then what would they do to outsiders,” he thought, while now developing a different outlook on what's in store for him in the Justice Ops. That is if he made it in. He also watched a guy named Leon take on the trial. Haruki wasn't sure how well he himself did, but he was certain that this guy did better. He was amazing. It almost made him regret his performance. Rin was looking pretty good as well. She's been waiting for this moment all her life. Her uncle was the leader of the first Power Rangers. She looked up to him. She was devastated by his death two years ago, but didn't want to let him down. Before Rin and him took off he watched another person take on the challenge. Something didn't feel right about this guy. He seemed a little off, but not in physical ability. As a matter of fact, he was amazing. He cleared most of the trial faster than anyone he's seen take it on. It was...well...his. “WHAT ARE YOU DOING???” yelled one of the testers, stopping the sparring match right away. It was completely one-sided, and almost a fatality. The guy, showed no mercy. Broken arm, broken leg, and maybe broken ribs. “Wait, this is suppose to be a test right? Come on, don't be like that. I'm just showing, I can hang. You understand right?” said the guy, in a joking manner. It seemed like he, didn't take the situation serious. It was almost like it was normal to him. “Now I know what you're thinking, “Oh Shogo, you're so cool. I would love to kiss your ass tenderly right now, but I have a better idea. We want to sign you up for the Ops right away. Kick ass for us please?”...right?” he jokingly retorted, looking the tester in the eye with anticipation. “Is this guy serious?” Rin said, looking around the crowd of people spectating the incident. She looked at Haruki, noticing his eyes shaking. Was it fear? She'd hardly ever seen him like this, except for that one time. She looked back to the scene. “That guy can pretty much kiss his chances goodbye. He was too brutal. If that guy ever joined the Justice Ops, heck even the Power Rangers, his allies wouldn't be safe. Shogo sighed. “All right already, I can take a hint,” he said looking at the broken tester on the ground, coughing, and moaning in pain. Then looked back that the tester, confronting him. “Ooooh yeeeaa, you might want to tell that guy to try dodging next time,” he said walking past the tester, whispering something to him before pasting him. “The Justice Ops are full of pussies.” --------------- "I wonder if teach is gonna let us watch the exams. It's still an interesting event no matter how you look at it," Ollie said. He seemed really interested in the exams, that were going on right now. Hiro didn't like the Justice Ops, but he was a little curious about what they had to do to get in. If he remembered correct, you had to first do the physical part of the exam, then it's the paper testing. Having the ability to fight wasn't the only way you could become a Ops. You had to also know the rules and what to do in certain situations. He remembered his dad, beating that into his head, whenever they would train. “Yeah, I wouldn't mind taking a look myself," he replied, with a smile. "Didn't you want to be a Power Ranger?”