[color=0072bc][b]"Deal,"[/b][/color] She smiled in agreement. Raising an eyebrow as he shifted suddenly, a small squeak left her as James tugged her close, her hands pressing against his chest. [color=0072bc][b]"You could have asked,"[/b][/color] She laughed lightly as she stuck her tongue out towards him. Freya did quickly settle in, shifting on her side so she was more comfortable but could still rest her head against him. [color=0072bc][b]"Well, I didn't want you to think you had to do it or anything, it was just a suggestion."[/b][/color] She smiled. Shaking her head about the back hug, she then nodded. [color=0072bc][b]"I suppose I could stay for just [u]one[/u] more movie~"[/b][/color] She chimed, with a false groan. Once they had settled on a movie title, she was awake through about half of it before sleep began beckoning her. She did her best not to yawn too often, or rub at her eyes as she grew more and more tired, but eventually she slumped against James' chest, snoring softly. Ah, hot chocolate and James' warmth were always the perfect combination to lull her into an effortless sleep. --- Come morning, Freya found herself still at James' apartment. [color=0072bc][b]"James?"[/b][/color] She yawned, sitting up to rub at her eyes. She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but she just felt so at ease around James she couldn't help it. Did he have classes today? She didn't know his schedule or anything like that, just that he was taking classes. What time was it, anyway? Reaching around, her hands found her glasses, slipping them onto her face. Was he gone? Her intention was to call for him again, but the sudden urge to go the bathroom hit her, and she clenched her teeth. Finding James could wait just a few minutes. She needed to take care of this first. Freya moved to wash her hands, but noticed the dispenser was out. Did James know? Maybe she should tell him.. Exoting the bathroom, and looked around again. Where was he? [color=0072bc][b]"James, are you here?"[/b][/color] She called, moving towards the kitchen area. She didn't smell anything cooking, maybe he was next door? That is where most of the food was kept anyway..Turning on the faucet she began washing her hands in the kitchen instead.