Alright. I am in pretty deep in a couple of RPs, and I am LOVING them, don't get me wrong. But I have been craving an X-rated, romance-filled Roleplay. I want a story to evolve, sure, but a romantic one. If this isn't you're thing, I get it! If you think you can provide that... keep reading. I'm 20 years old and in college. I'm busy, but at a computer frequently enough that I can guarantee more than one response a day. My RP style can switch between 1st and 3rd person, depending on what my partner likes. Looking for casual! I can [i]easily[/i] write a solid paragraph; and when I'm into the story, 4 is about my max. I haven't RPed much in the past few years, but I am jumping back in, head first & loving it. As for my stories, I prefer there to be mature content (sex scenes, drugs, drinking, explicit language: all good in my book) [u]Some pairings I have thought about[/u] Neighbors Coworkers Roommates ...I'm flexible. I haven't thought too deeply into this. Feel free to PM me with questions or suggestions. Or just jump right in if you have a plan! Thanks for reading!