Hanzo watched intensely when he saw the student known as 'shogo' complete his test. The boy reminded Hanzo of himself a lot, a lust for power, and an ego. Of course Hanzo wasn't the only one watching, there were a few spiders gathering around the boy continuing to look at him. "Kamen..." A whisper could be heard as they looked closely at the boy. It was feint enough that only the boy could hear it. Unfortunately for the spiders, a janitor came by a few seconds later with a broom and swooped the spiders off their web and into a trash bin. Hanzo was still sweating alot though, infact at this point he was drenched in it, his shirt clearly showing it. Alot of the spectating crowd was now whispering about Hanzo and one of them had gone off to look for medical staff. [hr] George watched as the twins walked off without giving him a second thought. "Stuck up brats." George said under his breath. He headed towards the course when his name got called. He was certainly one of the youngest to be taking the exam, though he didn't look it. In fact he looked about twice his own age due to his size and build. "Right then! Let me show you guys how it's done!" George said proudly as a small group of boys off the side of the course cheered at George's flexing. Once the signal was set off for him to start he sprinted through the track without a second though, it was like watching a bull run across a field. George was certainly fast for his build. Once he got to the swimming portion he jumped in the water, due to his size his feet were touching the bottom, not to mention he couldn't float if he tried. Instead he treated the water like yet another track and ran through it. Much of the spectators watched with mouths agape at such a spectacle. Once to the end of it George out of the water and headed towards the course where he would be dodging. One thing he couldn't do. Instead he ran straight through the entire thing knocking anything in his way to side, and taking blows like they were nothing. As a few balls came at him he caught a few mid flight then dropped them and continued on to the sparring course. "Alright!" George said flexing only to see a rather masculine looking young man infront of him. "You ready?" George asked with a smile as he cracked his knuckles. George the twice the size of this young man. "I-I would rather not break anything." The young man said a bit worried. "Then I'll be gentle." George answered with a much softer grin now. The young man seemed to be in relief over this idea. The young man threw a few kicks and punches but none of these made George flinch, though the moves were impressive would have worked on anyone except George. George wanted to make sure this young man get a good score it seemed. He didn't care much for his own score it seemed. He really did have a big heart. Then as time was about to run out George suddenly grabbed the kid just as he was turning around for a round house kick. He grabbed him from the abdomen and then without a second though bended backwards drilling the young mans head into the ground in a German suplex. "Nice going kid." George said after the battle was over and started to walk away. The spectators watched in silence at what had just happened.