She couldn’t help but think how clever she was when she saw the pigs dropping like flies. Her body’s surface area to volume ratio indeed allowed her to survive up here much more effectively, as was her hunch, although even she began to get very light headed once she attained a certain height, the exact extent of which she was unable to determine. She began to hyperventilate and could feel confusion setting in. With that her powers began to waver. Not good. Although more not good for the guinea pigs, all of which who followed her seemed to either be dead or near death, she had hit her limit and she dropped back down at near freefall speed. To the panicked townsfolk below, it was now raining a mass amount of pigs like a hailstorm. Thanks to how long Nillie had managed to stay up there, there was more than likely thousands upon thousands of the little guys making this the most morbid of hailstorms in all of existence. The young woman broke the cloud cover next, her senses returning as her lungs filled once again with the oxygen that she so desperately needed. She made an attempt to stabilize herself with her magic and scan her surroundings to see if there were any survivors. She was panting heavily, her magic quivering. She knew that the game was almost up so was hoping that she had managed to end them all with that last gambit. If not she feared she would be soon suffering the most adorable death ever.