Soon the battles began. The first fights were huge; eighty pokemon trainers facing off against each other all at once, so huge that it was impossible to see them all. The ground shook and the skies changed weather rapidly as various battlers and their pokemon fought one another, but those didn’t matter too much. What was more important was the battle with our interpret heroes. Tatsuya was assigned to face off against number 23, a young man who favored water pokemon. When spotting Tatsuya he said he’d go easy on her, which Tatsuya played along with. [color=a187be]”Aw, thank you! I promise you won’t regret it~”[/color] She said with a false, flirtatious tone. Plugging her headphones into her ears Tatsuya played her music and the battle would begin. [YOUTUBE][/YOUTUBE] The first pokemon she brought out was Tank, while her opponent brought out Wingull. [color=a187be]”Alright tank, you know what to do!”[/color] Sure enough the little aron started by curling up into a ball, but not before the wingull fired a water gun at him. It was strong enough to cause Tank to sink into the ground, and the trainer mocked Tatsuya for her choice of pokemon. [color=a187be]”Ooooh! You said you were going to go easy on me! Time to teach you a lesson about what I do with liars. Tank, rollout!”[/color] Suddenly, Tank started spinning in place. Despite the water gun making the sand around him muddy. The wingull didn’t see what hit him; one moment Tank was spinning on the ground and the next thing it knew, it hit the ground, knocked out. This surprised her opponent who thought that Tank would have been taken out by the water gun. Taking his wingull back the next pokemon was a lotad. Tatsuya’s opponent apologized for lying and said that this time he was going to go all out. [color=a187be]”Kufufufu! Show me your moves then.”[/color] Tank won the initiative however, and his rollout was getting more intense. The lotad fired some bubbles at Tank, but it couldn’t stop the little metal tyke from running the lotad over, knocking him out with one hit. However right after Tank sprawled out on the ground, having taken a bit more of a beating that he could handle. Water attacks were always his weakness, even for his considerable defenses. Taking her out pokeball Tatsuya returned Tank. [color=a187be]”Good job Tank, sleep it off for now. Let’s go Mint!”[/color] The little psychic pokemon was brought out, who immediately fell onto the sand beneath her. She wasn’t use to sand yet. Her opponent brought out a corphish, who had no troubles walking on sand. He came fast and aggressive with a Vice Grip, and if Mint didn’t act fast it could be over for her quickly. Fortunately Tatsuya was on point. [color=a187be]”Teleport!”[/color] Mint looked up just in time to see the corphish wrap it’s pincer around her face. The corphish was just perceptive enough to notices some sort of magical particles surround Mint right before she vanished, his attack missing. [color=a187be]”Now put him to sleep!”[/color] The corphish just barely noticed the shadow above him as Mint used hypnosis on him, causing the corphish to fall asleep. His trainer was surprised too see a pokemon use Teleport so keenly in battle; usually teleport brought a pokemon back to somewhere “safe”, but Mint was able to attune her teleport to wherever she wanted, such as above the corphish. [color=a187be]”You got it Mint, now you just gotta knock him out!”[/color] Nodding her head Ralts used Disarming Voice on the Corphish, the mystical soundwave strong enough to push the corphish’s sleeping body over. His trainer tried to wake him up with shouting, but to no avail. One more blast from Ralts and the Corphish was out, and Tatsuya was the winner. [color=a187be]”Booyah! Good job Mint! You did great too Tank!”[/color] Praising her pokemon the ref on hand healed Tatsuya’s pokemon as well as gave her a small money reward for winning her first battle. The prizes and challenge would only get bigger from here however, and she has some time before the next fight. So Tatsuya decided to use that time to watch some of the other battles. [@KoL][@Lonewolf685][@TheWindel]