[i]If anyone was interested, this is what I have for character relationships so far: Just need to hear from [@HushedWhispers] and i'll be all done >:D I feel very accomplished, mwhaha.[/i] [hider=Relationships][center][img]http://image.prntscr.com/image/a6eb3a9c8aae408bb01a4189de8be104.png[/img] [hr][color=c23023]⚜[/color] Acquaintances || [color=gray]☯[/color] Neutral || [color=215435]☮[/color] Friends || [color=0050cc]♫[/color] Best Friends || [color=pink]♥[/color] Love Interest || [color=red]⚤[/color] Boyfriend/Girlfriend || [color=black]☠[/color] Enemies[/center][hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/XoEQ8ym.png[/img][/center] [center] [color=f18c32][b]P H I L L I P . D A N I E L S[/b][/color] {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} [i]"Philly cheese steak, you are delicious but make my tummy hurt."[/i] Without a doubt these two have chemistry, Phillip and Cecelia became friends after adding one another on Facebook (they had several mutual friends) a few years ago. The two spent most of the beginning of their friendship as just online friends, exchanging photos, phone calls, and stories late into the night. Eventually the two finally met up and found that they were exactly as they were online- and became even closer. Sometimes they get into very loud and out right dirty arguments; but they care for one another through and through. [color=fff79a][b]O L I V I A . B I S H O P[/b][/color] {[color=0050cc]♫[/color]} [i]"Olivayou! Get it? It's like I love you, but your name!"[/i] Californiaaaaa girls they're unforgettable. Olivia and Cecelia have been best friends ever since they found out they were both from the golden state. These two are known to cause a whirlwind wherever they go, partying hard, and not looking back but they aren't all just fun and games. Cecelia trusts Olivia with everything and is always the first one she goes to when she needs to vent or just escape for awhile. Cici was around for the breakup, and told Olivia that if she ever sees the guy she will not hesitate to stab him. Multiple times. [color=crimson][b]N Y L A H . W E I S S[/b][/color] {[color=215435]☮[/color]} [i]"I'm jealous of you Nylah, you're perfect.[/i] Both knowing how to have a good time, Nylah and Cecelia have been pretty good friends ever since they have known one another. They both love to tease, sass, and fool around with one another- though sometimes a joke goes a bit too far and they end up not speaking for a few days. Cici would tell Nylah often that she was jealous of who she is as a person, and in a way looks up to her. They love spoiling one another going out to eat at new places and going for coffee every once in awhile as well. [color=00FF7F][b]R U I . R O S A S[/b][/color] {[color=gray]☯[/color]} [i]"Come on Rui, have some fun for once! Huh? Huh? Huh?"[/i] These two should be separated during most events. Rui finds her to be distracting and immature most of the time. Cecelia finds him to be stiff and boring most of the time. Though they are complete opposites, these two have never been enemies, and Cici actually finds it fun to poke and prod at Rui, trying to find ways to drive him crazy. She once sent snap chats of her butt to him for an entire week before he blocked her from the application completely. [color=0072bc][b]K I E R A N . O' C O N N O R[/b][/color] {[color=c23023]⚜[/color]} [i]"You're a cute one Mr. Kieran."[/i] Only meeting one another here and there through parties and events between the six friends, Kieran is someone Cecelia knows the least about. She finds him attractive, which doesn't separate her from most women. Though nothing more than just a pretty face so far. She also noticed him at her dad's restaurant once where he proceeded to eat tons and tons of food, so she knows he has good pallet for good food. Cici hopes that they can get to know one another better as time goes by- as they might have more in common than they thought.[/center] [/hider]