[hr][hr][center][img]https://s23.postimg.org/h6shths5n/virginia.png[/img] [img]https://s30.postimg.org/8uoso7135/virginia.gif[/img][hr][color=9999ff]Location:[/color] the Wyndham Estate[/center][hr][hr]Truthfully, the thought of possessing a title did not disturb Virginia greatly. She had been raised to assume the earldom, her path only altered by the arrival of her brother. And while she bore him no ill will and did not desire a title, she was aware of its implications. Men would have ever the more of an incentive to take her as an equal. The penchant for disrespect that many a British gentlemen possessed would slip away ever so slightly. No, her true concern was with the health of her brother. If James were to perish, Virginia would be beside herself. Truthfully, the largest detriment of the regency would be the increased attraction of suitors. Alfred had become quite adept at chasing them away, and if that approach was unsuccessful, the revelation of her many interests would disturb the rest. But what did she truly desire in life? That thought continued to elude Virginia, constantly evading any attempts to answer it. Perhaps that was what she searched for in life--an answer as to what she wished to obtain. [color=9999ff]"Thank you for your counsel,"[/color] Virginia replied, smiling slightly at Millicent kneeled. Her dear friend was most beautiful and attractive, yet Virginia felt little romantic inclination to Millicent Wyndham--a fact that was most fortunate, as Millicent was her closest friend. She giggled slightly along with Millicent, noticing the contrast in their skin tones. Her friend dwelled in the light of day--and she, she dwelled in the darkness of night. [color=9999ff]"I understand,"[/color] Virginia nodded, hearing Millicent's polite rejection of her offer. [color=9999ff]"Do know that you will always be welcome, dear Millicent, if you should ever wish for a moment's respite."[/color] And as her dear friend pulled the dagger and allowed the use of the bed, Virginia rested her body, mirroring the pose of a corpse in a casket. Sokw was a dangerous affair, and for this particular task, Virginia decided to focus on ensuring her friend's protection first. It would allow her to use Chankoowashtay instead. And so, she shut her eyes, and began to project her mind into the between using Chankoowashtay.