[center][color=SteelBlue][h2]James Varrock[/h2] Level: 1 Day/Time: Day One; Evening Location: Erion-Abandoned Castle Interacting: Samus Aran[@Lmpkio], Luigi[@Bright_Ops], Amaterasu[@Gentlemanvaultboy], Hapu[@ToadRopes] Mention: Seeds Planted:0 Word Count:698[/color][/center] James chuckled at Samus' comment, but didn't retort as he watched both Slayer and the weird chef thing go off to distract the Shadow Knight and silently wished them luck. Explaining the intricacies of the Traveler's Light wasn't something he was good at, so he'd have to find a way to get in contact with Ikora and have her do it. Still, as he watched the pair go to their part of the mission, he couldn't help but worry ever so slightly. There was no way to know what they would have to face besides the Shadow Knight, but all the same, the success of this particular venture relied on both the combat teams keeping the Demon King and Shadow Knight occupied. After observing the pair for a couple of minutes, he followed the General with the others towards the Abandoned Castle. [color=SteelBlue][i]"So, when we can finally use some of our abilities again, how do you think the others will react to the Light?"[/i][/color] Charger didn't answer right away again, running ambient scans on the surrounding area in an effort to spot the Shadow Knight and warn Team One when he was coming, but eventually he gave up. [color=LightCoral][i]"I'm sure, based on what we saw with Mario and his hammer back where we exited the portal, that they will assume you did not create the abilities, but simply pulled them from some pocket dimension. At least until you use your Shadowshot."[/i][/color] The Nightstalker chuckled to himself, imagining the faces of his team as he nailed one of their future enemies with an arrow made of Void Light and suppressed their abilities. Though he then grimaced as he remembered he would once again have to earn the right to wield his Void Light bow. [color=SteelBlue][i]"You identify the source of our ability loss yet? I mean, what happened that everything we've earned up to this point would be locked again?"[/i][/color] Charger's white interface appeared in the upper right corner of the Guardian's HUD, his eye indicating annoyance at the question. James raised an eyebrow in response. [color=SteelBlue][i]"What?"[/i][/color] [color=LightCoral][i]"I just finished and was about to tell you if you'd shut up for longer than 5 seconds. All heroes who agreed to help with the Mugen Virus have gone through something of a 'reset' in terms of abilities and powers. In the case of someone like Samus, in weapons as well. It would seem we have to truly prove we're the heroes that we claim to be."[/i][/color] Both the response and the explanation behind the loss of his abilities caused James to sigh and shake his head. So he had to earn everything again, just to prove he was the great hero he claimed to be. [color=SteelBlue][i]Talk about a pain in the ass...[/i][/color] It was at this point that Brigan choose to insult Luigi a second time and James had to physically restrain from putting a bullet in the giant's rear end. The sooner they were done with this guy, the better. Shortly after they reached a wall and the general produced a finger and began to draw with it. While the sight still somewhat disturbed the Guardian, he had seen about as bad done by the Hive, if not worse, so it wasn't enough to make him feel anything than mild disgust. Upon the appearance of the doorway, James felt confident that things would go off without a hitch...at about the same time the bunny spotted them and him it. [color=SteelBlue]"Ah shi-"[/color] He was cut off, however, by both the General leaping after it as it made a break for the stairs and Luigi calling out orders. His gut, however, told him they wouldn't catch it in time chasing it and he made a split second decision. The Imago Loop came free of it's holster with a spin and up to aiming height. Leading the "Pooka", as the giant had called it, James counted to three before pulling the trigger, a single gunshot ringing out. The idea was that the Pooka would meet the bullet in the middle, the shot putting it down and preventing it from warning who ever was above them. James could only hope that it was enough.