[u]Capt. Quincy Talcner[/u] Quincy leaned back in his chair, fist raised to his mouth. Reports were still coming in from his officers, although nothing stuck out. They still didn't know where the enemies' base of operations were, and the scanners were picking up nothing besides space debris. [i]Dammit! Where are they?[/i] The captain watched from the view of the bridge, beams flying every direction, lights zipping around the emptiness of space as each piece of machinery dashed about, locked in combat. His eyes were skimming across the battlefield, imagining it from a top down perspective. This was much different than commanding from the ground- there was so much less information given to him from satellites when he was the one [i]in space[/i]. As he looked, a glint caught his eye. "Hey, Waters." "Sir?" "Zoom in on the edge of that bigger piece of debris over there, starboard side." "Aye," the junior officer said, manipulating one of the monitors on the bridge to refocus. There! A dark purple piece of metal was peering out past the corner of a destroyed satellite. The curved piece of metal matched up to the hull of a Musai-Class vessel- the beak-like tip nose of the ship was hard to mistake. "Found you," Quincy muttered, eyes narrowing. "Hernandez, Long! Take aim at that satellite debris, Let's try to scare away these bastards." Quincy flipped his radio on to his pilots. "Listen up, we've spotted their vessel. It's a Musai-class cruiser, and it's hiding behind that piece of debris to our starboard side. I'll have someone send you data on their location. Dumuzi, cover Luna, and stay safe." [hr] [u]Lieut. Roman Nocte[/u] From the cockpit of his Zaku Cannon, with sensors, his radio, and warning lights screaming at him alike, Lieutenant Roman Nocte's palms were getting sweaty. This wasn't even [i]his[/i] suit, dammit! He slammed the control sticks forward, the machine nosediving as a powerful beam flew over his head. As he flipped upside down, his targeting sensors laid their electronic eyes on his aggressor- it looked like a Guncannon, maybe? It was lacking a second cannon, though. On it's opposite shoulder, it looked like it had a sensor assembly attached. A custom job, more than likely, that just made it very similar to the machine he was using. [i]Shit, that was close.[/i] The young pilot winced as another explosion shook the suit- another Zaku had just gotten shot down- they were dropping like flies. That unknown suit was taking on both Rick Doms the crew had, and it looked like a small craft was facing off with the Sarge. Fairfax had just now started engaging the Feddies, whipping out his beam rifle and taking a few pot shots at the incoming GM. As the his own target lock engaged, Roman pulled the trigger, firing his own cannon right back at the bastard who had nearly killed him.