[hider=Billy Brackish] [center] [h1][b][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjEwNi4yZTU2MWYuUWtsTVRGa2dRbEpCUTB0SmMwZywuMAAA/vtks-scream.regular.png[/img][/b][/h1] [img]http://orig05.deviantart.net/fc67/f/2011/333/2/1/lizard_man_by_inubiko-d4hpq2t.jpg[/img][hr][hr] [h2][color=2E561F][b]35 || USA || ♂[/b][/color][/h2] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vE7iQs23y6I[/youtube][/center] [h3][b][color=2E561F]APPEARANCE & PERSONALITY[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]APPEARANCE [/color][/b][/u] [indent]Billy would readily describe himself as "Purty for a crocodile man", though being the only one of his kind makes this comparison fairly useless. Billy's most immediately noticeable feature is that he is a six foot reptile, wearing little more than pants and a pair of thick leather suspenders. Billy is nearly one ton of scale, muscle, and fat, whittled into an impressively brawny physique through years of rigorous hunting and battling. His skin is a pale mossy green and hard to the touch, with long bony spines from his shoulder to the end of his tail, and a softer, more fleshlike yellow underbelly. His smile is a constantly shifting, regrowing mass of sharp teeth, and his eyes are a distinct golden. He wears clothes of his own design, hobbled together from salvaged armor of slain foes, scraps of fur, and bits of hide he manages to scavenge, all sewn together with leather boot laces and twine. As his body is almost entirely armored in hard scales, the only armor he wears are steel kneepads and gauntlets meant for reinforcing strikes in combat.[/indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]PERSONALITY TRAITS [/color][/b][/u] [indent]- Rude - Jovial - Kind of Gross - Confident - Republican - Uncouth [/indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]BACKSTORY & MOTIVATION [/color][/b][/u] [indent]William Ulysses Brackish was hatched in a small swamp in Louisiana, with neither the name nor capability for thinking he has today. Billy was a completely ordinary crocodile, save for his large size and penchant for eating the hauls of crayfish traps, and like all animals was unable to utilize ki, chakra, or any energies of that kind. For the first half of his life, Billy lived out his life in this way, basking in the sun by day and hunting whatever was slow enough to become prey by night, occasionally getting his claws on an unlucky human or smaller crocodile. He was a ferocious predator, known in his local swamp as "Bayou Billy", though his notoriety only extended to a warning sign sticking out of the mire. This changed one fateful morning when Billy came upon a drunken hunter who had passed out in his duck hunting blind the previous night. He remembers little of this day -- as all of the memories of the morning were made with his primal reptile brain -- though the one memorable detail he has held onto was a strange tattoo on the man's right hand and an old-fashioned feathered hat on his head. After unceremoniously devouring the hunter, tattoo, hat, and all, Billy felt a strange feeling overtake his body, and promptly passed out. When he awoke, his physique had changed to a more humanoid shape, with powerful arms and legs in place of his short, aquatic appendages. He had gained not only sentience, but fragments of his victim's knowledge and personality, as well as a strange otherworldly connection with the swamp around him. Billy gave himself a proper name and began walking on two feet, speaking the difficult language of the fleshy-folk that lived outside of the swamp and living as a man should. He built himself a cabin of driftwood and metal scraps of airboats, cooked his meals on a spit, and began honing his newfound strange abilities. Since then, Billy has had remarkable success as a travelling worker, either in freakshows or underground fighting rings. He lacks dazzling technique or crowdwinning charisma, but what Billy lacks in finesse he makes up for in being a giant lizard with swamp powers. And giant lizards with swamp powers [i]sell seats[/i]. His work in martial arts and sideshow exhibits net him more than enough to live comfortably, which for Billy, means near-homelessness. He does not know [i]why[/i] he chooses to be a nomad, though he knows it is what he wants. For Billy, doing whatever he wants sort of comes naturally.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][color=2E561F]FIGHTING STYLE & ABILITIES[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent][u][b][color=2E561F]FIGHTING STYLE [/color][/b][/u] [indent]In a word, Billy is a cheater. His personality is the mixture of natural crocodile instinct and a powerful hillbilly shaman, so Billy is not exactly one to aim above the belt. Bites, scratches, gouges, improvised weaponry, anything is fair game to Billy. Although his teeth and nails usually do just fine, he keeps a small dirk strapped to his leg for instances where he needs some cheating, and has a few voodoo tricks up his sleeve for when he needs a [i]little[/i] more cheating. To be fair, Billy fights to the death, and cheating wins fights.[/indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]SPECIAL MOVES & TECHNIQUES [/color][/b][/u] [indent][u]✦ Bogwater Geyser[/u] [indent]Billy opens up a portal to the floor of a marsh in his mouth. The resulting explosive decompression fires out a [url=http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m86qcuASg71r1oakno1_500.gif]geyser[/url] of murky swamp water, used mostly to blind, distract, or disarm. Because it is an actual portal to a swamp, this attack includes seaweed, tiny fish, bits of sand and rock, and algae. Lots of algae.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Rain Dance[/u] [indent]Billy does a three-step jig, summoning a heavy storm cloud. The resulting rain makes his environment muddier, making his opponent slower and himself quicker. Doing it more than twice can quickly lead to flooding.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Ouroboros Spin[/u] [indent]Billy puts his tail in his mouth, and spins forward with a running start, hitting enemies with his back spines at a surprising speed. This is mostly effective if the target is against a wall or in a narrow corridor.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Fish Gutter[/u] [indent]Billy unsheathes his knife with his tail while grappling an opponent and uses it to quickly stab them in the abdomen.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Cajun Handshake[/u] [indent]Billy delivers two simultaneous punches to his opponent's temples, followed by a swift knee to the groin.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Swamp Gas[/u] [indent]Billy fills his mouth with a corrosive green gas, which he can either blow out or use to infect bites.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u]✦ Snake Killer[/u] [indent]Billy grabs his opponent by the wrists, swings them horizontally to the ground, and shakes them onto the ground [url=http://i.imgur.com/PfyFJly.gif]face-first.[/url][/indent][/indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]SUPER MOVES [/color][/b][/u] [indent] [u]✦ Death Roll[/u] [indent]Billy clamps his jaws down on an opponent and spins rapidly, with the aim of tearing off appendages or other large chunks.[/indent][/indent] [indent] [u]✦ Do Not Feed Wildlife[/u] [indent]Billy grabs his opponent by the neck and puts their head in his mouth. If his opponent cannot free themselves, Billy clamps down and tries to consume them. Doing so heals him, but requires a short rest afterwards.[/indent][/indent] [u][b][color=2E561F]WEAKNESSES & LIMITS [/color][/b][/u] [indent]Like all crocodiles, Billy is quick and deadly up close but lacks any ranged capabilities and is slow when moving or turning on dry land. Opponents who can strafe around him, fire at a distance, use ki blasts, make use of projectiles, or otherwise stay out of Billy's claws can quickly tire him out. In addition, those versed in crocodile biology might know to hold his mouth shut.[/indent] [/indent] [h3][b][color=2E561F]OTHER[/color][/b][/h3][hr] [indent][indent]✦ Billy voted for Bush, McCain, and Romney, but could not bring himself to vote for Trump. ✦ Billy has a pet possum named Bo Diddly. ✦ Billy's consciousness is the result of eating a ki-absorbing redneck nomad. The excess energy this nomad had was transferred to Billy, giving him a mental awakening of sorts. [i]Just go with it.[/i] ✦ Billy has served time at the Folsom City Penitentiary, where he killed two men for a pack of cigarettes and later escaped through the sewer. [/indent][/indent] [/hider]