Fiddlesticks gleefully waded and dived through the ball pit. It was like swimming through a sea of colour. It was, but of coloured plastic. Whenever Fiddlesticks saw a ball pit, he just couldn't resist. He just had to dive in. No matter what the situation it may be, even during emergencies. This has gotten Fiddlesticks in some trouble before. But to be fair, it was the fault of the mule in the party hat. That damned mule, giving Fiddlesticks funny yet unsettling ideas about life, the universe, and everything. Alas, the tale of the ball pit and the mule in the party hat is a tale for another time. A time where inappropriate stories can be told without causing offence. Suffice it to say, Fiddlesticks has had a very surprising life. He is a very surprising creature after all. Doing the breast stroke in a pit full of small plastic spheres is a lot easier than doing it in water, Fiddlesticks found. He fancied himself a Galactic Olympic athlete, if ball pit events were a part of the Galactic Olympics. Fiddlesticks had many dreams, some of which didn't involve fried cheese. Being a Galactic Olympic athlete was one of them. He also wanted to eat Hendersons Ribs everyday. If he couldn't make the former come true, then the latter would have to do. Fiddlesticks was fine with that. Ball pits always made Fiddlesticks reflect on his dreams. Nothing else did that. The nature of the ball pit itself, with its many colours, was a stark contrast to his childhood. Ball pits are colourful and fun, but the planet of Monochromia, is not. Fiddlesticks was glad he got away from that place when he did, but the memories of that planet still gave him the heebie jeebies. It was his experiences of growing up on a planet without colour that gave Fiddlesticks the phobia of any room, building, and environment, that was black and white alone. An area devoid of colour disturbed him. But that was all in the past. Fiddlesticks swore to himself that he was no longer his past. That didn't permanently dissipate his fear that it would catch up to him though. Catch up to him in the form of administrator Krampus. Fiddlesticks left Monochromia legally, so Krampus couldn't come after him. At least, he hoped he couldn't. Fiddlesticks had complete faith in the Hendersons Ribs corporation though, which allowed him to banish that concern from his mind whenever it arose. Ball pits helped too. A basket of laundry sat next to the wall in the ball pit room. He remembered that he was supposed to give it to the robotic maid, but then he got distracted. Fiddlesticks thought to himself that he should probably get that done before he forgot, again. A few minutes more, he decided.