[hr][hr][h1][b][i][color=crimson][center]Spencer[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img]https://i.ppy.sh/46e05df63e4fd0fac9209916621983e8dcf02571/687474703a2f2f6936332e74696e797069632e636f6d2f33306b613638352e706e67[/img][/center] [hr][hr] [center][color=crimson]Location:[/color]Some random alleyway.[/center][center][color=crimson]Interacting With:[/color]N/A.[/center] Spencer was intrigued, needless to say, and followed the curious sound throughout town. Though it's shadow was hard to keep track of in the darkness, even with her sun stone, Spencer found that she could follow the sound that it had made as it appeared, as the sound repeated over and over. Eventually, however, the sound could no longer be heard, replaced by the crashing and scratching of metal. It reminded Ira of clashing swords, a sound which she did not like to hear. A little concerned, Spencer tip-toed toward the alleyway, and poked her head around the corner to try and catch a glimpse of what was there. On her approach, the young vampire gently wrapped her fingers around her blade's hilt, prepared for anything. As sapphire eyes poke around the corner, her other hand gently caresses her sun stone in an effort to keep her calm, her nerves beginning to set in. It does a satisfactory job, and clears Spencer's mind somewhat. [color=crimson][i]'It's probably just someone forging a blade or something, right...? Haha... Yeah, it's definitely that...! Eheeeee...'[/i][/color] Quietly, carefully, she poked her head around the corner, anxious as to what she might see...