As much as Kaite would have had the opportunity to change, the registration feed blurred his eyepatch with names that filled the manifest. As tasteless and inelegant as he saw the checks fill on the digital ledger, as if [i]people[/i] could be so simply reduced to a weight threshold the same as cargo, the officer was obligated to stop in the middle of punching in the airlock code. Canceling the process, Kaite turned to look out from his perch and holding still as the HUD highlighted the marked individuals. Long ears uncomfortably shifted in the hat, and the Aylv frowned only enough to break the placid neutrality his demeanor typically held. Kaite had little to smile about on a good day, and being the first line of defense in name, alone, was a bitter icing on his cake that he was obligated to eat. An intimidating presence or a long shadow would follow someone of his position, but authority glared from under the pauper's attire as Kaite leisurely strafed back down the gangplank. Watching the marked newcomers with what was perceivably a single eye that looked between them, Kaite pulled his scarf down. [color=8882be]"Velcomen to Zeh Monroe!"[/color] he chirped with all of the professionalism he could manage, accenting the final word with definitiveness like a conductor announcing the last stop of a train. [color=8882be]"Sir Jackal ehn...zee fair lady Sha...Share...Sheer?"[/color] Kaite mused aloud in a manner as if to get their names right while he simply read them off his HUD, all the while slowly descending the gangplank. It would have had more weight if the one that greeted them didn't look like some half-blind human pauper. The large one worried Kaite the most, even if he was a runt. Being so large was a good way to get eyes turned on your, especially while toting hunks of iron and essentially naked. Judging eyes would furrow their brows in silent exasperated contempt for the backwater pair of boots that walked on its own and had a record of simply [i]wanting[/i] to be there. However, this was not the expression in the eye of the concierge whose eyebrows lifted as they grazed through their file. Impress. Were it not for the shackles of monetary value and a lack of a place to go besides the safety of The Monroe, Kaite would have been jealous of such a frivolous expression of free will. Dying among the stars was certainly a romantic punctuation to the moral sentence, one that the chief of security could not possibly understand, having never set foot on solid soil. Choice was never an option or want. Jackal's lack of criminal record earned him as much as a blink from the stone-faced Kaite who wrote him off as being a non-issue with only as much trouble as bridging the cultural gap would be. That bit was not the officer's problem or concern, more instinctually put off by their size than anything. Kaite's amber eye drifted over to the awkward, furry and stout individual who was clad in a long leather jacket. Fumbling with the name, Kaite assumed it to be some form of alien pronunciation, as the combination of letters in the translation were just as confounding as reading it as it was. It was not often that he saw someone shorter than he was, and it was comforting in a contrasting way that was [i]almost[/i] comical enough to eke out a smirk. What they had been griping about, Kaite was envious of, more than willing to take the coat off their hands since sensors fed a track of reverberations that registered as dialogue. Objection and accusational skepticism aside, humanity hadn't been so blatantly on the fake Aylv's side as clothing had not mattered until it was brought up. Kaite muttered a soft [color=8882be]"Hrm"[/color] upon reading their rap sheet that read like the rest, for what it was worth. Getting the 'good' end of the stick just was not enough, and they wanted to see the stars, too. [color=gray]Why not throw your life to the winds while your head is in the clouds...[/color] Distantly coming to mind, Kaite briefly pondered on what kinds of worlds the two came from where they would choose literally anywhere else to die than live with what they knew. It made no sense, but there was no room for questioning since the orders had come in...and the manifest was checked; cargo accounted for. - - - - - Curious as was the origin and reasons behind someone to throw everything in favor of an inglorious death with the title of 'criminal', business continued and Kaite was twisted pleased to see at least one of the figures before him who [i]deserved[/i] to call The Monroe their shuttle to hell. [color=8882be]"Ah! Ehn heir doktor!"[/color] Kaite jokingly broke from their arguably French accent in favor of teasing at Germanic for the sake of playing with the Kautada. Their record held tabs of 'crimes against nature', and various citations of moral ethics violations, painting them to be some kind of amoral mad scientist. However...the eerie pale blue tinge to their chameleon flesh and downtrodden eyes swiftly smudged Kaite's eagerly impish grin back to a discontent frown. He had hoped to take some delight in playing gatekeeper to damned souls as per inspiration from texts he was encouraged not to read. No sense teaching a potentially unstable clone about common religion. [color=gray]Dissatisfaction. There was nothing to gain from berating the creature who would have stood statuesque in an expression of joy, were it not for those eyes. It was hard to tell if they were looking at me, but I still felt like I was cut by my own words simply by saying them. The expression was difficult to read, but it spoke a nebulous volume of shame and guilt...and maybe an acceptance? He...L-as...Lazool? [i]Laz[/i] was caught. Whatever he did, it didn't show in how he carried himself. It was like watching Seventy-Four trudging back after his first beating; unsure what they did, but less of a being after it. The thought gnawed at my soul with the welling strength of memories like bile in one's throat.[/color] Kaite's expression quickly flattened, eye narrowing in distant understanding as he watched 'Laz'.[color=8882be] "Yes, velcomen to zeh Monroe,[i]ool[/i]. Vould you mind I call you Laz?"[/color] he began once more, though in a softer tone, truly fighting to accommodate their tone. In that, a thought came to mind where the concierge so rudely welcomed others without introducing himself. [color=8882be]"I am named...ehhrm...Kaite! Yes! Ehn iz zeh utmost ouf privilege to cooperate vith you-ors for zeis period!"[/color] Kaite chirped, offering a pleasant yet curiously off smile as if it were rehearsed and slightly off with how it was somewhere cutely closer to a smirk. [color=8882be]"Ahz zee security officer ouf zeis Monroe, I endeavor to...our...longevity"[/color] Kaite continued, versed in listening far more than speaking. Ironically, the poor communication left the nearly blind being in charge of welcoming the nearly blind.