[hider=Alin][hider=Picture][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/whitewolf/images/d/d7/Corax_forms.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/500?cb=20151113043053[/img] Found the perfect picture[/hider] Name: (Alin) Nickname: Kron. Age: 41 Were-species: Were-Crow Abilities: As a black Feathered crow he has an easer time staying undetected while in the dark. As a Were-Crow he has a vast intelligence with the ability to change and "Adapt" to his surroundings. Alin has a amazing memory never really forgetting those he meant, always formal with his greetings Alin keeps his conversations short and to the point. Favorite Song: Feel Good Inc. By Gorillaz Back Story: Alin is a hired assassin always keeping his life on the line for the job at hand, sometimes he "forgets" the money and just lets them keep it. Alin has no feelings toward death never relishing his kills or ever boasting about his kills. Alin is always a calm and relax with a monotone voice to match, his childhood life is not one of the most exciting of life his mother and father both middle class and really long work hours spending what little time they had with him. At school he got exceptionally high grades never falling below a 80 even on his final exams. While not clear to himself he always found an interest in shiny things often stealing it to later stare at it with fascination. Other: he has a Brügger & Thomet APR custom fitted for long and silent firing power, on top of that he has Night vision googles that he uses when in the dark or at night. Also A military grade hunting knife for Tactical reasons. [/hider]