When Ona pushed open the door to the waiting room too firmly and it flew back, hitting the wall with a smack, she effectively drew the attention of every person in the room without fail. With her face firm with annoyance she had a bit of a sickly witch look to her... her skin nearly translucent where it was exposed between the matte leather wrap shorts that were too small and the puffy backless top that was too large. The stares from the candidates and the front desk receptionist were just a tad awkwardly long and Ona's pride and self loathing quickly reminded her that she was both being judged, and had not properly prepared this morning. The change in her face betrayed her most fatal weakness and she stepped in to the room a tab more humble, lowering her eyes to the floor and softening her stance, becoming small and insignificant. [color=a187be]"I'll take the next candidate back. Mara, please go ahead and send them back every 15 minutes until noon, then we'll break for lunch and return at one."[/color] The receptionist nodded and waved at the next person in line, a short, plump older woman. The rest of the candidates all glanced at each other, seemingly trying to calculate who would make it in before lunch and who would be left waiting an hour before interviews started up again. Ona lifted her face enough to smile pleasantly at the next candidate. At least there was no reason for Jules to take a liking to this one... She might as well be his sister... or an aunt. Besides, Jules seemed picky with his preference of women. Ona couldn't remember the last time she'd seen him out with anyone, but she somehow imagined him with a nice, warm, attractive girl who always took him to her place instead of going back to his. She held the door open for the woman, and stepped through behind her, letting the door fall shut silently. [color=a187be]"Good Morning, right this way."[/color] It was only a couple of minutes before the familiar click click click preceded Ona down the hallway. The door to the interview room opened and the new candidate stepped in, the slightest view of Ona waving a hand to direct her to her seat before the door closed again. Then Ona was at the door, opening it to enter the small cell from which they observed. Somehow she hadn't necessarily expected to walk in to the sight of Jules. She paused, the set of her jaw firming slightly and her eyes flicking over the trashcan before she cleared her throat and stepped to the desk, picking up the next folder. [color=a187be]"Perhaps I should take this one... give you a chance to warm up this morning? Or would you like to keep going?"[/color] She paused with the folder hovering in her hand halfway between them.