[hr][hr][center][img]http://fontmeme.com/embed.php?text=World%20Narrative&name=Bleeding_Cowboys.ttf&size=50&style_color=f26522[/img][/center][hr][center][img]https://images.gr-assets.com/hostedimages/1453542413ra/17839047.gif[/img][/center][hr][hr] Over the next few minutes the world would seem to go into close motion as several things happened both on the Vengeance and the Retribution nearly simultaneously; like domino's falling into or actually more out of place. The Vengeance weaved in and out of the terrain, the ship being pushed as hard as it could. Once everyone was in place, Anisa gave the order to those awaiting. [color=f26522]"Drop the loads and pull out and away from here fast! Break out of the canyons!"[/color] she called through the comms to Gene and Jackson. [color=f26522]"Launch the load from Cargo,"[/color] she quickly added to Atticus and Camilla. God she hoped this worked, she wasn't sure if it would but she was placing hope in her resident bomb makers. Right then it was the only chance they thought they had to get through this. [color=f26522]"Everyone hold on tight, Daphne, bank hard out of the Canyon and get us out of here. Gideon, Lionel, now!"[/color] Anisa gripped tight to the console before her, bending her knees and making herself ready for the very bank and jolt she was warning the rest of the crew of. Hopefully between the three dropped "packages" and the Crazy Ivan burst cutting through the atmo would damage the Reaver ship enough for them to break away further and get the hell out of dodge, even if it meant they had to limp off the field. The Reaver ship was gaining, this had to go off. It was their only hope, or at least they thought it was their only hope. The Retribution cut through the air towards the tower and Harper let go of the little load that Jahosafat and Foy had prepared. Their resident gunner was waiting, waiting for the signal from anyone at that point. Jahosafat leaned over the display, watching the the camera's on the exterior of the ship until just the right moment. He saw the crate hit the side of the tower and burst open. [color=gray]"Now would be a most advantageous time to fire on that tower,"[/color] he said to their gunner. Henry wasted no time before firing, shot after shot. He hit the tower and the shots seems to mow through the tower setting sparks flying and whatever had been in the box atomizing in the air to flame. Reds, and blues, and greens - flames coming from the air around the tower creating quiet the display of color. [color=gray]"Well done. I suggest that we make with the exiting to stage left post haste my good people and get the hell away from here. Try to get into a blind spot for those blasted Reavers if you would. We need to keep their attention towards those wondrous lights and off of us if we could."[/color]