[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/20I6zkmm.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h3]Lucien Delorano[/h3] [b]Age:[/b] 23 [b]Sex:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human[/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Lucien takes after his grandfather, with dark, boding features and athletic stature. His hair is short and curly, often unkempt. Lucien dresses plainly after spending a considerable amount of time with common folk, especially the sailors and traders of his fathers merchant fleet. [b]Personality:[/b] Nostalgic at times, Lucien holds his family in somewhat mythic regard, and his personality is molded by his subconscious desire to impress. He is honorable, but has a furious temper when things do not go his way. Somewhat of a ladies man, although his romantic notions are set aside when family is concerned. [b]Biography:[/b] From an early age, Lucien was obsessed with the sailing vessels that regularly moored in Venara Harbor. He would insist that his father or older sister take him down to the docks to view the massive trading vessels and watch the sailors climb the masts to dizzying heights. He could not fathom at a young age, how the men could so carelessly balance on the ropes, where certain death was but a misstep away, all the while singing the joyful sounding songs to keep rhythm with their labor. As a teenager Lucien would ditch his family bodyguards and creep aboard a vessel for a closer look. Once he climbed aboard the [i]Inspired Maid[/i] and found himself at sea for several months where he was soon discovered. Lucien managed to conceal his identity and was put to work aboard the vessel. When a sailor serving Luciens father recognized the lad, the captain shit himself and headed for home immediately. Lord Delorano was displeased but not angry, and Lucien convinced Leon to allow him to sail on the [i]Maid[/i] a few more times and learn to be a sailor. On these precious few voyages, Lucien glimpsed other parts of the world, but was forbidden to leave the ship, never allowed to set foot on foreign soil. On the last voyage, the ship had a close call with a pirate sloop, and Lord Delorano forbid anymore excursions by his son. Lucien was sent to study economics and trade instead. Lucien was in the dormitories at University when word came of his fathers death. Enraged Lucien returned home with his bodyguards seeking revenge. [b]Position In House Delorano:[/b] 2nd Son of Leon Delorano [b]Equipment:[/b][i]Black Cloak and Cowl, Leather jerkin, boots and trousers, Silk Tunic, Small Dagger, Flintlock Pistol, Fine Dueling Rapier. Lock of Hair from his father.[/i] [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Human, +1 to choice skill (Gunnery)[/i] [b]Gifted:[/b] [i]Acumen +4 , Dueling +4[/i] [b]Above Average:[/b] [i]Gunnery +3, Athletics +3, Reputation +3[/i] [b]Deficient:[/b] [i]Brawling -2, Archery -2[/i] [b]Unlisted Skills:[/b] [i]Athleticism Grace Soldiery Skullduggery[/i]