Kept it simple for Ken/Sky Knight [hider=Ken Amai/Sky Knight's Abilities and Feats] [b]Class:[/b] Rogue - Ranger [b]Abilities:[/b] [i]Level 1[/i] - [color=#B2FFFF]Defying Gravity(Active)[/color] - Sky Knight has the ability to place an external force unto entities. In laymen's terms, he can control the kinetic energy, or simply, the speed of a maximum of two objects. Even though it has quite the extensive range, it definitely comes with the contingencies most would infer. Per example, the heavier an entity is, the harder it is to manipulate. Also Sky Knight finds it easier to bleed an object's speed rather than build up the potential energy to launch it. Whenever he performs the latter, the motion of the entity is always sluggish, and sails on a lethargic arc. A good example of his ability's capacity is during the Civil War, when Paper Moon and Strawberry Baby disembarked from Fluffy at an altitude which boasted enough fall damage to insta-KO both of them. The two would have gone splat, had Sky Knight decreased their speed substantially. 1 round duration, 2 round cooldown. [i]Level 2[/i] - [b]Zephyr(Active)[/b] - Sky Knight can direct concentrated air, but as implied by the ability's name the gusts are rather meek. While they can prove to be a little disorienting at point blank range, their only truly effective application is for clearing smoke or poisonous gas, assets used by players and mobs alike. 1 round duration, 1 round cooldown. [i]Level 3[/i] - [b]Aeolus(Passive)[/b] - Compressed wind presses against Sky Knight's rifle, mitigating the kickback of his weapon. Recoil is reduced by 20%. [b]Feats:[/b] [i]Level 3[/i] - Armor Piercing: Ranged attacks ignore 10% of defense. [i]Level 4[/i] - Range Finder: You can discern the effective range of the weapons of others as well as your own. [b]Equipment:[/b] [i]Primary Weapon:[/i] Mk 23 EBR - An uncommon grade DMR dropped from an free roam elite mob. Essentially an augmented Mk 14 chambered with a larger caliber. [i]Apparel[/i] Windward Shawl - Uncommon clothing item which increases stealth by 5%.[/hider]