Kili could only stare in shock as Laketown started to go up in flames. Hearing the cries and seeing the people flee their homes was difficult to witness. Were they responsible for this? Smaug had remained inside of Erebor for so many years, and now he'd left to seek destruction on the nearest town. The thought was an unsettling one; deep down, Kili worried that coming here had been wrong. Perhaps their homeland should have been left behind. "Isn't there anything we can do to help?" Kili couldn't take it anymore. Leaving felt wrong, even if they'd managed to bring Bard's children to safety. "There were more weapons back in---" Bofur shook his head, motioning for Kili to quiet down. "No, lad. We've got to get to Thorin." Though Bofur felt the same way, he knew there was little to nothing that they could do now. They needed to regroup with the others and plan from there.