[hider=CS] [b]Name[/b]: Amaron [b]Age, Gender, Race[/b]: 28, Human, male [b]Appearance[/b]: Amaron is tall and slender, appearing almost frail. The lack of facial hair, tendency to grow long hair, and general appearance made sure Amaron is rarely taken seriously by others. At first glance, that is. [b]Equipment[/b]: Sword, Elven Longbow, quiver of arrows. [b]Story[/b]: Amaron has been cast out of the city, and knows there is no way this will ever be overturned. The only possible future for Amaron is that of wandering warrior. Amaron wishes to play a part in the events that are unfolding in the world, and wishes nothing more than to fight on the side of good. [b]Biography[/b]: Amaron is the third of five children. Their mother died giving birth to Gonnor, 14 years ago. Their heartbroken father never remarried, and the kids basically raised themselves. Born and raised in Minas Tirith, Amaron’s family knew all the stories about Sauron and his armies and made a point of telling them to their children and children’s children. They believe firmly in the city’s role of watchman, and consider training for the defence of Osgiliath and keeping an eye out for activity in Mordor a sacred duty. Their father judged Amaron too frail to fight, and sent him to work among the women. Amaron did not like this, and snuck out to train with the others. They laughed at first. This made Amaron even more determined and, training night and day, Amaron soon became much stronger. It has been many a moon since any of the others managed to defeat Amaron in combat. Unfortunately nothing, not even a well-developed skill with weapons and horses could save Amaron the humiliation of being kicked out of the army and the city, forever separated from home, army, and family. Convinced of the need to protect the safety of Middle Earth, Amaron searched out and followed rumours of trouble, be it goblin or troll. The hunt caused Amaron to cross paths with the caravan. Tired of travelling alone, Amaron eagerly accepted an invitation to join them. [/hider]