The nobleman's face grew more and more enraged at the other man's prodding. His typically sleepy eyes were now practically bugging out of his skull, and his scowl seemed so deep it threatened to slide off his face. His expression would have been comical if not for the shared tension between the two factions, who now were also throwing insults. Craggard couldn't help but seethe at the young man's remarks. Honestly, him [i]lounging?[/i] Someone from White Rock was calling [i]Craggard[/i] lazy? His wealth was the product of tedious favors and years of hard work! He hadn't come so far to be made a fool of by a prodigy who knew nothing of his line of work. What place did this squirt have accusing him of laziness? Craggard's previous vow of chivalry had all but disappeared as the thought of a brawl became more and more tempting. If the boy wanted a fight, then Craggard would happily deliver. Without a second thought, Craggard lunged for a kitchen knife jutting out of a cut of pork. The juices from the meat splattered onto his coat, but for once he seemed unconcerned about it. "I'LL GIVE YA A GOOD SQUASHING, RUNT!" Craggard roared. With the knife tight in his grasp, he lunged across the table, snarling curses without his usual pretense of civilized speech. [@Vashonn]