[h2][b]WE'RE FULL[/b][/h2] If you want in or a tribute in then check to see if someone can roll back a tribute or two to find room for you. But if you don't want to do that you can still contribute by writing for me events. Don't worry about when or where they'll take place, if you're not sure what phase they should fire in I can make that decision. ________________ Well it's that irregular time again. Time for new Hunger Games! With a twist. Still a full game of forty-eight slots. BUT, you only get half of those. Yes that's right folks, you get half. so who gets the other half? Your competitors! And who are these people? [url=https://forums.equestriadaily.com/index.php?/topic/2524-hunger-gaems-shared-slaughter-edition/]Friendship is Gaming-Equestria Daily forums![/url] So sign yourselves and your memes right on up because you're now competing for the Shitposting Crown! For those uninitiated: The Hungers Games uses the BrantSteele simulator by the same name. Using random number generation competitors across 12 districts (of 2, 3, or 4 members each) are cast in a completely randomized slaughterhouse. Whoever is the last one standing is the winner, like in the novels! Feel free to submit yourself, a buddy, or some other character from some other media, real-life, or history or whatever the fuck. But remember: You only have 24 picks, so don't hog them all. If you submit someone else then make sure they're alerted so the moment they go salty I can fix it before I begin. Unlike tradition in the past, I will not be submitting myself and will probably refrain from submitting any other characters; seeing as how I am in these two communities, it would be unfair if I put myself in one or the other after all. But everyone else is free game. I'll also be taking custom events of any kind. [h2]Submitted Events:[/h2] [b]Bloodbath:[/b] (Player1) gets wedged in their podium and is crushed to death by its mechanisms. (Player1) is starstruck by meeting (Player2) for the first time. (Player1) sits down in the dirt and cries for mommy. A spectre is haunting Europe — the spectre of (Player1). (Player1) picks up a MAGA hat and runs away. (Player1) and (Player2) hump like rabid dogs in front of the Cornucopia. (Player1) seizes the means of production and runs away. (Player1) grabs (him/her1)self and runs away. [b]Day/Night:[/b] (Player1) gathers and smokes reefer. (Player1) contracts a venereal disease from a band of transient monkeys. (Player1) finds a turtle, makes turtle soup, and fashions its shell into a helmet. (Player1) pretends they are in minecraft and builds a very square home out of square-meter blocks of mud. (Player1) and (Player2) climb a tree and make love in its branches. (Player1) catches a cold and spends the rest of the games sick and miserable. (Player1) acts ratchet. (Player1) consumes the flesh of the last player to die. (Player1) finds a hidden city built of memes and claims it for (his/her1) own. (Player1) gets a rash in an embarrassing place, finds a hidden spot in the jungle to treat it. [b]Kills:[/b] (Player1) holds (Player2)'s head down in a nest of bullet ants until their bites kill (him/her2). (Player1) dies of a heart attack alone in the woods. (Player1) contracts hypothermia and wanders the woods confused, stripping off bits of clothing until (he/she1) dies of exposure. (Player1) thrusts (his/her1) hand into (Player2)'s chest and pulls out (his/her2) beating heart, letting (him/her2) see it before (he/she2) dies. (Player1) receives poison from an unknown sponsor, but (he/she1) thinks it is soda and drinks it, accidentally killing (him/her1)self. (Player1) gouges (Player2)'s eyes out and stuffs them down(his/her2) throat, killing (him/her2). (Player1) captures (Player2) alive, ties (him/her2) up, and flays (his/her2) skin a little each day to fry as crackling for both of them to eat. (Player2) eventually dies from (his/her2) injuries. (Player1) dies of a broken heart. (Player1) rolls over onto (his/her1) campfire while sleeping, combusts, and burns to death. (Player1) dies peacefully in (his/her1) sleep from natural causes. [h2]Tributes:[/h2] 1) ClocktowerEchos [img]https://avatars.roleplayerguild.com/production/1ce0a2663b299761b3484029e2bfc169d65f696e.jpeg[/img] 2) Joseph Stalin [img]https://2ch.hk/b/arch/2016-10-13/src/137727166/14763624136320.jpg[/img] 3) Arena Snow [img]https://avatars.roleplayerguild.com/production/4e3f2b2ebb9e91f4832b82fcd1f508aa05ed6679.gif[/img] 4) Diablo [img]https://media1.giphy.com/media/GWicGMe2fODMA/200_s.gif[/img] 5) VilageidiotX [img]https://rpguild-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/avatars/01114a2739f2a1e5b5318ea5fa5c37ce6e21bad2.png[/img] 6) Karl "the Material Girl" Marx [img]http://www.hoodedutilitarian.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/Karl-Marx1.jpg[/img] 7) The Legendary Champion Broby [img]https://rpguild-prod.s3.amazonaws.com/avatars/725a29a529ee7491cdca1af8df493b11aaa5b751.jpeg[/img] 8) SpamBot [img]http://www.alexanderinteractive.com/blog/typing-robot-thumb.jpg[/img] 9) Basket of Deplorables [img]http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/pepe-hillary-basket-of-deplorables1.jpg[/img] 10) Discord [img]https://maxcdn.icons8.com/Share/icon/Logos/discord_logo1600.png[/img] 11) A Karling [img]https://i.imgur.com/FkpaME2.jpg[/img] 12) A Squirrel [img]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_GN89FqGGBG0/TNVao4gB-oI/AAAAAAAAAiU/7K8mBhwJC3w/s1600/squirrel-gray.jpg[/img] 13) Gandhi [img]http://www.2kgames.com/civ4/images/compare_gandhi1.jpg[/img] 14) The Royal Navy [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-EhBBvlTq1Po/TV4qTLQw_pI/AAAAAAAADhA/ZmQ4PzMlyAI/s1600/longitude01.jpg[/img] 15) Mr. Bates [img]https://s3.amazonaws.com/zweb-s3.uploads/visiontv/2013/03/DACastInd_Bates11.jpg[/img] 16) Indigo Montoya [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/469498101/inigo1.jpg[/img] 17) Vizzini the Inconceivable [img]https://images.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_470,q_auto:good,w_620/vizzini-s-return-an-inconceivable-alternate-ending-to-the-princess-bride-jpeg-285825.jpg[/img] 18) Duthguy [img]https://avatars.roleplayerguild.com/production/2884e1f512ee679e3a34ce3c50ef67389f8e09a5.gif[/img] 19) Witch Cat [img]https://avatars.roleplayerguild.com/production/3ff33e34618be6d7d76e008981ba24f84557a087.png[/img] 20) Wizard Dog [img]https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/425525736183566337/M2aL5urz_400x400.jpeg[/img] 21) Cynder [img]https://avatars.roleplayerguild.com/production/8e2d763191548861a88b9182a937826acd2e2906.png[/img] 22) Mary, Queen of Scots [img]http://a3.files.biography.com/image/upload/c_fill,cs_srgb,dpr_1.0,g_face,h_300,q_80,w_300/MTE5NTU2MzE2MzExNTUzNTQ3.jpg[/img] 23) The Spectre of Communism [img]http://www.unixstickers.com/image/data/stickers/pacman/Pacman-red-blinky.sh.png[/img] 24) The Proletariat [img]http://dystopianb2012.wikispaces.com/file/view/OBU-Fist.jpg/300092004/300x392/OBU-Fist.jpg[/img]