[center][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140808090413/akamegakill/images/a/af/Leonemainpage.png[/img] [h1][color=gold]Crimson[/color][/h1][/center] Cee had been directed to attend the special room that contained a mysterious creature trapped in an odd prison. She stepped into the room and saw the crow in the ball and grinned then did as she’d be told an placed her hand on the ball. Transfer Student #87: Crimson also know as Cee. Mental development concern due to her being a Feral Child. Magic: Animal Mastery. Future Occupation: Journalist to which it added “Greetings Daughter of Pandemonium” [color=gold]Greetings as well whoever you are[/color] said Cee sweetly to the interesting bird trapped in the globe. Looking over at the teacher who held a clipboard Cee tried to walk over and see what she was either writing or maybe even drawing; goddess she loved drawing even though her’s so far were more abstract than anything else. The Teacher gave her a disapproving look which caused Cee to stop her advance but not her quest as she asked [color=gold]May I know what it is you are writing or drawing……...sometimes Melody draws and they are so pretty; I can’t draw yet. Well I can draw but it isn’t good[/color] The teacher told her it was notes on what Crow had said and while she was serious in her expression Cee heard laughter in her tone so when asked by the new authority to go to her Dorm and even gave directions the young blond girl headed off to find her bed. Cee really liked sleeping if where she slept smelled nice, felt warm and open and most important of all defensible well maybe hidden too was what she thought mostly about as she sought her room.