What was with this girl? Why could James be [i]so[/i] comfortable around her and yet, not feel like he had to put on a show or be something different. This was very unlike anything he had ever experienced and now they were drifting off to sleep for the third time in each other’s arms. By the time he had realized she had fallen asleep, he was almost asleep himself. Pulling off her glasses, he gently set them on the coffee table before giving her a peak on the head and falling asleep himself. --- The following morning he wiggled his way out from under her and went into his bedroom. He had to make a call, he had to. “You!” He barked in a whispered tone from his bedroom. “Me?” An innocent female voice said over the phone. “You gave her the key to the apartment, you told her I was taking classes; damnit Annie do you know how much of a panic you could have put this poor girl in if she went off on the tangent of thinking she was ‘helping me’ by taking care of herself then lighting the kitchen stove on fire.” “She did that?” Annie responded on the other end of the phone with a chuckle. “It’s a metaphor.” James responded in a soft groan. “Annie why did you tell her?” “James, quit being stupid. She likes you. She would find out sooner or later and better it comes from me than from some random person or running into you at the school.” A defeated sigh left James, a sigh that covered up the calling of his name. “Look, I appreciate what you’re doing but please let Freya and I find our own ways.” “It’s the blind leading the blind; you aren’t even brave enough to ask her out on a da…” “I’ll have you know we went on a date last night and she said she had fun so in your face.” “Listen to you all growing up but it took a push from me to get you to do it.” “Look Annie, please try not to stick your nose into our business. Freya gets frazzled enough as is and I don’t want any additional pressure. I’ve got to get ready before she wakes up, I’ll text you later.” “Wait…” Annie called, “Is she at your apartment?!” All she got was a chuckle as a response before James hung up. Walking out of the bedroom he entered into the bathroom as Freya made her way into the kitchen. Before long he had stripped out of his clothes and got into the shower. The moment he turned on the water, the warmth hit him and he let out a long sigh… that was until the water changed drastically dropped temperature and he let out a scream of surprise and sprang from the shower. “Cold Cold Cold!!”