It was a long journey on the boat (at least comparatively) for the Ranger, as he had a lot to think about. What was their true purpose in the new world? Why had they planned so poorly? Had he given young Fortune poor advice that would leave the lad as a puddle of red? He didn't mind the lack of food, even declining the rations when he could catch the few rats that made it on board. Fortitude was one of the many traits common to the Dawi, although by the very end he did feel just a little too sober for preference. When they disembarked, he made sure he had all his gear with him, particularly the explosives. He didn't want to leave it for some umgi to fiddle with and leave the ship with another hole... and several fewer crew members. Brokk giggled as the funny looking (admittedly a commonly used description in reference to them) human brought up their supplies. "Oh I'm not worrying about that. I just got to make sure I got more endurance in me than the rest, then I can live off of you!" He said it jokingly, but he did occasionally wonder what elf and human tasted like. Their burnt flesh didn't smell too bad, although that might just have been thanks to his adoration of the alchemical. "Oh but I wouldn't worry. Lizardman wasn't too poor of an eating if you stick it on... well a stick. The bigger ones that are mounts for the other ones get real fatty, melts in the fingers and mouth." Sighing, he slowly climbed up one of the palm trees and then whacked off as many coconuts as he could with his hammer. Descending, he grabbed as many as he could an rushed back along to the group, handing one to the seemingly famished Baltazar and then the others. "If these are anything like the things growing in the southlands, you can slice or just break off the top, then drink and nibble on what's inside." The Longbeard then rushed off to Darren, scratching at his own coconut with the pickside of his hammer. "Oi, I get that you're the big'un of us, and that you have the map but consider letting others ahead in case of traps. Don't want you getting caught by one of them ditches full of spikes or something of the sort. I reckon it's best if you let the one with the crossbow or the other Dwarf get ahead." He then raised his coconut up to the man to view, showing the crudely carved letters forming "an the elf" upon it, knowing that the gits ear wasn't in such a shape without reason. "No grudge against them mind you, I just reckon the umgi's not got much in him anyway while the drengi wants to die, and of course some just can't do as much as others." he said. He didn't want to offer up Jehan or Fortune to be at the front, knowing the former was needed for whatever they were doing while taking a liking to the latter. Himself? No, he was "too old for this shit."