[center][img]http://i128.photobucket.com/albums/p185/ladythang19/0d93137e15aa53c79570875468cad3d5_zpswkehnzvv.jpg[/img][/center] [center][color=00a651][h1][i][b]Commander Cody Varicke[/b][/i][/h1][/color][/center] [hr][hr][center] Interacting with [@Kyrisse][/center][hr][hr] Cody was eating an apple and when he turned the corner he was run straight into by none other than Audrianna. She had come out of Jae's room and she was carrying men's clothes. He frowned slightly and helped her to her feet. [color=00a651]"You don't have to call me commander."[/color] He looked at the clothes. [color=00a651]"Does that mean Jae is naked somewhere?"[/color] He turned putting his arm around her and walked with her outside. When he saw Jae trying to cover himself behind a bush he grinned. He took the clothes from Audrianna and tossed them to Jae. Then he pulled Audrianna into his arms and kissed her deeply. Knowing that Jae would have seen him kiss her he smiled a little sheepishly. [color=00a651]"How did you end up naked? Did you burn all of your clothes off?"[/color] Cody couldn't help it. It was a funny situation and said, [color=00a651]"We have to find a way for you to remain clothed when you are on fire."[/color] [hr] [@King Tai][@RumikoOhara][@Kyrisse][@Spinosaurus][@December][@alexfangtalon][@POOHEAD189][@FunnyGuy][@dabombjk][@kurai assassin]