[@t2wave] But...Manami isn't just ordinary water magic! The water she touches instantly becomes divine holy water and that's what she uses to attack with! [@Zarkun] Considering I am a rogue, yes that was my tactic anyway XD But I was...ah also the tank for that campaign XD Despite having a Minotaur....ranger =_=' (To be fair, I was a Dragonborn rogue. But I was a damage dealing rogue who relied on brute strength so a Dragonborn wasn't a terrible option. But no we had to have TWO FUCKING RANGED RANGERS WITH BOWS AND THE SECOND ONE WHO JOINED LATE HAD TO BE A FUCKING MINOTAUR WHO COULDNT HIT FUCKING ANYTHING AND WONDERED WHY! NOT EVEN THE HUGE TREE ENT WHICH WAS CHASING US)