The rest of the travel on the ship was a...mixed affair for Fortune. When he wasn't hampered by illness (the cold thankfully was short lived), he tended to split his time between two major objectives; Doing what he could around the ship in order to help (It was good, honest, hard work that would help keep him in shape while giving the vastly understaffed and overworked crew the chance to rest and recover a bit) and sneaking small messages to Alison whenever the opportunity presented itself and Darren's watchful gaze was elsewhere. Most of the time they were only small things, asking her how she was going and the like... but he also took a stab at poetry on occasion. Granted it wasn't [i]good[/i] poetry; It was clear from anyone attempting to read it that the writer seemed to have only the most [i]basic[/i] idea of what poetry was meant to look like without actually knowing the rules or tricks behind actually writing it himself. Still, the attempt was made anyway so hopefully that would count... Alas, all 'good' things had to come to an end... through Fortune hadn't expected the ending to come so quickly. Nor was he at all happy with the idea of being booted off into the middle of nowhere without his horse, however, he could understand the argument for leaving Twilight on the ship rather then take her off into the jungle; Through leaving her with the people who had been eying her with hunger in their eyes wasn't exactly an appealing idea either. Still, there was nothing for it. Donning his armor in order to carry it with him into what was no doubt going to be a dangerous jungle alongside his sword and shield with the rest of his equipment, Fortune took his place on the row boat... through he kept his helm off for the time being. The trip in the rowboat was no better then the journey on the ship had been... in fact it had been worse in how much more rough the trip had been, through blissfully it had been relatively short. Stepping out of the boat on wobbly legs as he tried to get used to being on solid ground again after so long, Fortune attempted to keep it together long enough so that he could offer Alice a hand out of the boat like a proper knight.